Overwhelmed... Help me in my purchase


New Member
Apr 28, 2012
I am in Germany and bike riding is HUGE here. I really want to get into the sport. I believe that a Hybrid bike will suit all my needs and after weeks or research and about 15 bike shops, I've narrowed my decision down to two bikes. The Merida crossway 100 and the Trek DS 8.3 Can you provide any feedback you may have had on either bike. I'm excited about hitting the streets!!!!!!!
My pick would be the Trek. The components are one step up from what is on the Merida, although you probably would not be able to tell the difference until you have a lot of miles on the bike. The lower grade components would start to wear a little more quickly than the higher grade components and you would need to adjust them more often. Beyond that, I don't see much difference in them.

If possible, you should test ride both bikes and then base your choice mostly on how you feel riding the bike. Everyone has their own opinion of the order of what features are most important on a bike. One person may give you glowing reviews on a bike that they really liked and then when you ride it, you might really hate it. Other riders can give your their impressions of good or bad rides, but make your choice on your own riding experience.