Pants Are Getting Tighter and Can't Lose Weight ---- HELP!


New Member
Sep 13, 2012
Here are my physical details: 6'2"ish, 206 lbs (as of this last Tuesday), male, and 29 years old.

After finishing my final long distance running race at the beginning of June, I decided to focus solely on cycling. I would say I average about 20 miles/ride and at least 100 miles/week. Without an extreme elevation gain, more than 1000 over 20 miles, I average 20mph, so that puts me on the bike for at least an hour. Keep in mind, this is an average. Some days, I'll ride 75 miles and be on the bike for 4 hours. Excluding warm up and cool down, my average heart rate is approximately 150 bpm. The past two weeks I started to incorporate at least two rides dedicated to speed work. Typical session is 15min warm-up and then 40 seconds on, 20 seconds recovery, 10 times. Rest 5 minutes and do it again for at least 3 sets. Once a week, I focus on hills, either repeats or long, not as steep climbs.

I lift once a week and focus on high reps and lower weight. As far as exercises go, I primarily focus on my lower body (hammy's, quads, calves) and core. I incorporate some upper body (chest, shoulders and upper back) as well, usually while I let my lower body rest.

Diet: I try and eat more protein that carbs, and not a ton of sweets, but of course, can always eat more healthily overall. However, I never eat fast food, rarely drink soda, including diet, and try and have a salad or veggies with every meal. Alcohol consumption is where I could cut the most calories, but I rarely drink in excess (more than 3 drinks in one sitting). Types of alcohol include beer, wine, and occasionally hard liquor (gin and whiskey).

I was riding 4 days/week consistently in July, had a gnarly crash at the end of July and took three weeks off the bike, but swam and lifted at least 4x/week, and then began hammering again in mid August. My point here is that I've been on riding again fro approximately 5 weeks. Here it is Sept. 13th and I haven't lost any weight and my pants are getting tighter and have to go to one further notch on my belt. I will say, I've most certainly gotten stronger and faster on the bike and my cardiac health is noticeably stronger. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO! Should I diet harder? Cross-train more? To be honest, I don't see how I can train harder on the bike, other than longer rides. I need some help!
Cut out the hard stuff and stick to dark wines and if you must have beer, lite beer. Try and eat 3 hours before you go to bed and get 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is very important in weight loss. Try and reduce your intake to around the 2400-2700 calorie range per day. Eat smaller portions spread out instead of large meals. Be sure and have something for breakfast including a lot of water and continue the water all day. I try and intake 60 ounces or more in addition to what I take on training rides.
It sounds like you are getting good training sessions already so be patient. Your body gets programed to maintain a specific weight range and will try and adapt to accomplish this so sometime it takes time to reprogram it. Set realistic goals and keep us informed since this will give you a feeling of accountability.
I am not a physician but this has worked for me for some time now.
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I am maintaining my weight, but can't figure out my my waistline is expanding. Shouldn't my waist line be maintaining as well?
That's body fat being stored and the body stores it differently with different people. You take it off one place and it move somewhere else.
Hi - Regarding weight/fat loss - while it used to be common practice to run 'fat burning' rides at a lower heart rate zone it has been found that the most effective way to dump the fat is interval training. Interval training has multiple benefits -

Firstly – higher intensity=more calories burnt during exercise. If you want weight loss boiled down to a simple equation it’s use more calories than you’re taking in - or eat less, move more.
Secondly - higher intensity training is going build your muscle strength far more than low intensity. Larger stronger muscles need more fuel to run so as you progress you’ll be burning more calories simply by engaging in in the same activity.
Thirdly (and most importantly) – engaging in high intensity interval training will result in you burning calories for some time after you’ve finished training. This due to a metabolic process called EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption ) What this basically represents is how many additional calories your body will burn after the exercise session has been completed in order to return your body to the state it was in before the exercise took place. These include bringing down the bodys temperature and heart rate and restoring the blood lactate levels to normal. This increased metabolic rate and the associated calorie burn that goes with it last for some time after exercise. Some studies have shown the effect to still be measurable after 38 hours. So you can be still burning fuel and engaged in effective weight loss whilst sitting on the couch watching the Giro :)
So - I'd be trying interval training if I were you. You're clearly fit enough to take on some intense efforts - maybe this is the change your metabolism needs to shift the waist line.
Hope that helps - do let us know how it progresses _ I'm sure it'll be useful for others here
