Period and cycling


New Member
Mar 27, 2016
I was recently asked this question and I decided to relay it here. Is it safe to cycle during the active days of monthly period or early stages of pregnancy? My initial answer was 'no' because I believe that it can be dangerous if you can't handle sudden pains etc.
Except when I have that thing called dysmenorrhea which I experience once in a blue moon, I don't remember being uncomfortable in riding when I have a period. But take note that I ride only for leisure particularly when I am inside our village. But when riding with the group for a leisure tour, I don't think it is a good idea when you have a period for the excessive sweat can be uncomfortable down there.
I have ridden my bike despite having my period numerous times already. I guess being active helps in relieving the symptoms of dysmenorrhea that I have, it's pretty mild though. But if it's during the second day of my period, I try to avoid riding just because it's the heaviest day for me. Otherwise, during the first and third day, it's fine for me as the flow during these times aren't that heavy.

The only other thing that I'd take into consideration is the heat. I live in a tropical country and having my period adds to that heat. So if it's particularly hot, I'd skip riding my bike. It can feel gross and too uncomfortable, at least for me.

With regards to pregnancy, it would be wise to consult your doctor. Basically, some pregnancies are high risk and it's better to avoid biking for these women. But some doctors don't advice against it especially if you have been biking a lot before your pregnancy.
I usually cannot ride the first day due to the fact that I have ovarian cysts that are usually throbbing and sometimes popping, so the pain can be downright unbearable. The second day, my back usually feels like it's twisted and my sciatic nerve usually becomes pinched. By day 3, I find that I'm returning to human form and can do everyday people things, including going on a short bike ride; usually just up to the store to grab a Gatorade or a coffee depending on the day.
I agree that you shouldn't ride on the first day of your period. I suffer from dysmennorhea- painful cramps, so cycling is totally out of the question for me when it starts. Aleve and Advil usually helps with the pain when I do need to bike but that's about it.
I'm not biologically fit to answer properly but the answer seems to be that It depends of weather or health condition. Regardless Is always wiser to ask doctor specialist in the subject.
I'm not biologically fit to answer properly but the answer seems to be that It depends of weather or health condition. Regardless Is always wiser to ask doctor specialist in the subject.
I agree with you. She should consult a doctor for these subjects to get the accurate answers.
Thank you all for the answers. I have accumulated them and passed on the information :)
This may sound crazy but exercising relieves pain from my menstrual cycle. I do tend to bleed more while exercising but my doctor said that is normal. She said my heart pumps more blood when I am active.
My period is so different month to month that some months I could ride just fine, other months I would be too busy sobbing into my pillow and eating chocolate. I wouldn't necessarily say absolutely never do it though. As long as you use a tampon (to avoid the chafing!), I think it's perfectly safe.

Regarding pregnancy though... I think guidelines suggest you can carry on doing it as long as you take extra precautions not to fall, don't quote me on that though. I wouldn't risk it personally, but you see some women doing some powerful sports whilst pregnant and women know their own bodies better than anyone.
I say to each their own...

I don't cycle on my period because I have painful cramps, they also prevent me from wearing a tampon. I also have heavy flow and have to wear these giant pads that are noticble in my cycling pants and I have constant leaks when riding. So, I just steer clear of it for about a week during my period.
I think you should definitely consult a doctor. For me, I never cycle on my period because my cramps are just too bad. But I'm sure if it was an urgent situation I could do it. I do not think it would be dangerous other than super painful. Sometimes my periods are so bad that I throw up. In that sense maybe it could make you sick. But do what you think will be best for you. You know your body :)
I think you should take some time off, I mean pain and cycling doesn't really go well together, if you're not feeling right then don't bike. Cycling really needs concentration to be safe, how can you focus if you're feeling bad right?
Always opt to be on the safe side and not do anything strenuous, it's just one week and you can adjust your schedule around it.
While I don't have the physical qualifications to give you an answer from firsthand experience, I've had girlfriends who--obviously--had periods and were into fitness activities.

Typically, they would take the first day off from any activities in order to gauge the situation. If it didn't seem that things would be too severe, then they'd handle the situation as normal. Some girls I've dated had really bad cramps though, so strenuous activity was absolutely out of the question.

As for the early stages of pregnancy, I think it's logical to assume that excessively strenuous exercise probably isn't all that good at this point. I think it's common knowledge that pregnant women need to take things easy and limit their exercise to less strenuous activities such as yoga or swimming.

Obviously I'm no doctor though, so ultimately these questions are best left to trained medical professionals
I think it's best to be careful in doing physical activities while having your monthly period. It's good to be active because it helps to alleviate discomfort. But do so through light exercises like walking and such.
It's better to be safe than sorry, in any kind of physical activity it's always best to be physically and mentally or psychologically healthy anything less has its risks and dangers. And having your monthly period can give you uneasiness and pain that could lead into lapses in cycling, that's why in my opinion it's better to take a break and rest.