Power meter for kurt kinetic road machine


New Member
Mar 26, 2006
I'm going to be buying this trainer in the near future. My question... Is there any reason to buy their power meter. As I understand it, the power meter is based on speed. So, why can't I just use my cycle computer instead?
tdl123321 said:
So, why can't I just use my cycle computer instead?
You can, as long as you've converted all your training targets to speed. The real benefit of the computer, as I see it, is that it allows you to look down at any time and see watts. So, in the last few minutes of an interval, when you're really grunting it out, instead of seeing speed as .4 mph faster, you'll see that your putting out +50w which may give you a better real-time measure of your performance. Without the computer, you can work it all out post-ride, but it may not give the same real-time motivation boost.
tdl123321 said:
I'm going to be buying this trainer in the near future. My question... Is there any reason to buy their power meter. As I understand it, the power meter is based on speed. So, why can't I just use my cycle computer instead?

Make a chart to stick on your bars....speed to Watts. Use the Kinetic formula to figure it out.

X= speed in MPH.

5.244820x + 0.01968x3
TiMan said:
Make a chart to stick on your bars....speed to Watts. Use the Kinetic formula to figure it out.

X= speed in MPH.

5.244820x + 0.01968x3
Thanks TiMan, that is what I had in mind. Certainly cheaper than a 50 dollar computer.
You can always get the computer later and by then it may have some improvements like abreviations that can be seen without a microscope, average and current watts on the same screen and maybe even cadence on the same screen so I can take my other computer off. That would be nice I'll dream about that tonight.:)
I bought the power meter also, I think it is a bit over rated, as said above you can use a simple chart with the calculation, I think a cadence meter is more important to track how you feel turn a known cadence over a period of time.