Pro Women Cycling


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Pardon me for my ignorance but is there a woman's cycling tour? I haven't heard of such and it came to my mind when I read the comment of @Lizel in the other thread about women cycling. She is probably right that some women can beat men in certain areas of cycling - sprint, climbing, long ride and other events. But I don't see a mixed race. What I have in mind is a tour exclusively for women only. Is there a tour like that?
I was at the Americas Dairyland Bike Races here in Wisconsin at Downer Avenue in the East Side of Milwaukee a block from Bradford Beach by Lake Michigan. The pro women racing teams were unbelievable. Such high durance and talent!!! The pro women got me interested in riding again, just by watching them race. I met up with a really great lady whom was sponsoring an All Women's Century Ride. I was so excited to sign up.
The post-ride event is open to the public. It will be a time for celebrating women in cycling, refueling and networking with old and new friends alike.

Starting at the Newburg Firemen's Park, this WOMENS ONLY
16, 32, 62 or 105 mile scenic road ride will take you through Wisconsin's Beautiful Northern Kettle Moraine.

Was anyone else her in Wisconsin during the Tour Of Americas Dairyland bike races?

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