question on road racing categories?


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Ok, so I raced a little last year, but it was my friend Beth bringing me along, and I never learned much about the specifics, like racing categories. I was looking on my club site and they were talking about time trials that were only open to A riders. I am womdering what A and B riders mean, as well as the cat categories, Cat 1, Cat 2, etc...
USCF riders are divided into five catagories. 1-5. All riders start out at 5 and work their way up by racing and earning points.

I honestly don't know what an A rider is.
Not sure if the A, B, C system is an "official" one, but it is a fairly common one. A's are the top riders, B's are lower, C's are the lowest, but I don't know exactly if A would be the equivalent of Cat 1/professional, etc.