Re: Amalgam Removal and Improved Quality of Life

  • Thread starter Joel M. Eichen D.D.S.
  • Start date


Joel M. Eichen D.D.S.

I have yet to hear from one person how 17 micrograms (millionths of
one gram) can cause any disease other than FELD, or Failure to Enjoy
Line Dancing, that Jan Drew claims she suffers from ........

On 20 Sep 2003 13:53:38 GMT, [email protected] (ChuckMSRD) wrote:

>>What about Line Dancing? Those places do not allow people inside who
>>fail to pass rigorous QUESTIONING about their amalgam removals .....

>Anyone who spends a couple of weeks on SMD as I have would look at the
>absurdity of most of your statements and begin to wonder how psychologically or
>psychiatrically detrimental things like Hg vapor can be. Not saying that is
>the cause of your apparent psychopathy but it would be part of my workup if "I
>be your MD"

Joel M. Eichen, .
Philadelphia PA



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