Re: dumb chainring questions



<snip, of a good humored introduction>

> round, e.g. "biopace" and similar setups. <snip> which ended up taking over the market?

As you see, FBOW, round.
For a good article on biospace, see: <

> Also, the salesman at the LBS recommended a cyclocross bike for my
> intended use (mostly road riding, some (mostly paved) trail, general
> commuting type use if not actual commuting) as they are a little heavier
> but stronger than standard road bikes, which makes sense.

It's stronger wheels that might make a difference. For example, 36
spoke wheels tend to hold up better than 14 spokers.

However it
> seems that they all have rather small chainrings, are they all pretty
> much interchangeable

You can probably swap it out for a bigger one. Many LBSs would
accommodate you for that on a new bike.


Or should I <snip> simply look for a steel framed road bike that I
like and put
> some slightly fatter tires on it?

>Great! I really like that idea, a lot. Panaracer Pasela tires are nice, easy to find, and come in wide sizes. Craigslist, if available in your area, has just what you need. Have a glass of plonk on me.
