Re: Frame protecting rubber gizmos


Kim Hawtin

Duncan Farrow wrote:
> hippy wrote:

>> Your cable has to be pretty slack for it to touch the frame doesn't
>> it? My rubber doughnuts slide along all the time but I've never
>> noticed the cable actually touching the frame..

> There is about 40cm of exposed cable (rear brake) that's about 4mm from
> the top tube. Virtually no pressure is required under no braking to
> make it touch the top tube, unless the donuts are in place. There is
> already (after only 3.5 years!) some evidence of cable marking the
> finish.
> Multipurpose glue will do the trick I think.

how about some clear contact?
you know the stuff kids put on their books in school?
like the sticky labels ... or how about some phunky stickers instead...



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