Re: When Is Standover Height Insufficient?



"Steve Sr." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
> Fellow Cyclists,
> I had a professional fitting done to in anticipation of ordering a
> custom geometry bike. With the fitting I found out that I had a short
> torso and arms which requires a geometry with a high front end and
> relatively shorter top tube. The fitting was done on a Serotta Size
> Cycle but the frame was done by another manufacturer.
> The frame builder addressed these issues with a longer seat tube and a
> slightly sloping (up) top tube and a taller head tube. Unfortunately
> in dealing with these issues it appears that the stand over height was
> missed by about 3/4" i.e. the bike is about 3/4" higher than was
> recommended by the fitting.
> So far I have had a test fitting on the new bike but haven't been able
> to ride it since the seat post provided was too long (won't go low
> enough). I can just barely straddle the bar with bike shoes on. I
> would estimate that there is currently somewhere 0-1/4" clearance if I
> stand just right. The bike currently has 23mm tires on it but I will
> probably switch to 25mm when these wear out to reduce the chance for
> flats. This will only make the stand over height worse.
> Is this stand over height likely to be an issue? At what point would
> you consider stand over height to be insufficient?
> Thanks,
> Steve

Standover height is a non-issue. In 125,000 miles of riding, I've never
racked the jewels a single time. I'm the opposite of you. I'm all torso
and arms with short legs (kinda ape-like ... knuckledragger). To get a
stock bike that fits, I have to get a larger frame for the top tube
dimension and reach I need. This means zero standover clearance. Even on
compact frames, my standover clearance is minimal. It's absolutely never
been an issue.

Don't know anyone I ride with who has had an issue, either.

Bob C.

"Of course it hurts. The trick is not minding that it hurts."
T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia)