- rec.food.cooking FAQ pointer


Victor Sack

This is a weekly pointer to the rec.food.cooking FAQ and conversion file. If you do not want to see
it every week, you should put the title, which will not change, into your killfile.

The rec.food.cooking FAQ and conversion file is posted monthly to rec.food.cooking,
rec.food.recipes, rec.answers and news.answers. It is also available as an easy-to-navigate frames
version at


There is both a link to a no-frames version and a built-in no-frames content for older or text-
only browsers.

The rec.food.cooking FAQ and conversion file has two parts. The first part covers conversion and
equivalence. Tables are given for conversion of oven temperatures, food names, weights and measures.
Some useful substitutions for unavailable ingredients are suggested.

The second part is more descriptive. It outlines some of the commonly discussed topics of
rec.food.cooking and explains a number of food terms. It also lists other food-related newsgroups
and mailing lists, as well as food-related FAQs, recipe archives and other food/cooking sites.