Repairing tire cuts



I've triked over 3,000 miles on my Primo Comet Kevlars (with no flats) though the shallow
herringbone tread is long gone. Early on I began discovering small cuts and tried filling them with
RTV Silicone gasket maker (and also RTV gasket sealer). Both products did the job for me and I
continue to use them when I get the time. Recommended curing time is 24 hours, but I've patched
slits at night and ridden the next day. Be sure and remove any glass bits if still in the cut and if
you're really anal (insert names here), clean it first with alcohol which evaporates quickly, then
just force in the silicone with a small flat-bladed screwdriver. These gasket products are readily
available at any auto parts store, and even come in colors should you want to keep track of how many
voids you've filled. Black is near-invisible. BTW, I've filled cuts that extended down to the
belting, though nothing longer than about a quarter-inch.