Riding Playlist


New Member
Jun 25, 2012
We all probably have them. The music that gets us pumped and motivates us. I love music and would love to see what you guys have on your playlist when you ride. Plus I want some new music to listen to on my rides. A lot of you are not from the US and probably have some good music I've never heard of.

Here's mine for right now. (song and then artist/band)

Gold On The Ceiling- The Black Keys
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered- Chiodos
Test On My Patience- Dead Sara
I'm Goin' In- Drake ft. Lil Wayne
On to The next One- Jay-Z
****as In Paris- Jay-Z and Kanye West
I Don't Want to Care Right Now- Lupe Fiasco
Paper Planes- MIA
You're Gonna Go Far Kid- The Offspring
Hit That- The Offspring
Carry On My Wayward Island -Mash up with Pendulum vs. Kansas
Lump- The Presidents of the United States
Bring Em Out- TI
Show Me Love- Tatu
Perfect Enemy- Tatu
No Sleep- Wiz Khalifa

It's a little over an hour of music.
I know I'm getting old 'cause I don't recognize over 75% of your list./img/vbsmilies/smilies/wink.gif

On the road... the sound of silence (not the song by Simon & Garfunkle), chuckling teammates, and traffic.

On the trainer... too much to list but some combination of heavy metal and Madonna comes to mind. Yes it's like oil and vinegar, exactly what I have on my salad.