May 7, 2016
In Australia, a driver pulls a knife on a cyclist on footage, where:

The video, posted online by a WA-based cyclist, shows a four-wheel-drive's attempts to get through a roundabout ahead of the bike, causing the pair to come within inches of each other.

As the 45-year-old cyclist approaches, the driver stands in the middle of the road brandishing a weapon, thought to be a rope splicing fid.

He then shouts: "You f---ing ********, you f---ing touched my car. F--k off, you pull out... you're a f---ing idiot."

video on the article's page:

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A hot headed car driver with anger issues. Why always the jerks end up being car drivers? I'm yet to watch a situation where the cyclist is the one harassing and driving like a dumbass.
Never had such an experience, but always have pepper spray within reach. Don't leave home without it.
We call that scene road rage. It also happens here and sometimes it's not just a knife but even a gun although in one incident, the gun toter did not pull the trigger because the cyclist was apologizing (maybe out of fear). But murder on the road has happened so many times here and fortunately only few riders were involved. The analysis of investigators was the heavy traffic is the usual cause of the altercation because tempers are already flying due to the stressful traffic situation here. That's why I cannot see myself commuting to work, I don't have the guts to ride on the main roads.
Aw, this is very sad and disappointing. Can we have psychological tests for drivers as well? We don't have that here, as far as I know. I think drivers need to have stable emotions and stable mental conditions before being given licenses. They're not only responsible for their own lives, they're also responsible for the lives of their passengers and people around them. Someone who gets angry easily cannot be always driving or else they'll take their anger on the road.

For the most part, cyclists don't even do anything wrong. But these drivers can get pretty agitated even with simple mistakes and sometimes mistakes on their parts as well. I think they don't understand that the road isn't completely theirs and that other motorists can use it. That's frustrating because they're not the leaders of the road. We're supposed to be equals and there is no need for shouting or threatening others.
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I think they don't understand that the road isn't completely theirs and that other motorists can use it. That's frustrating because they're not the leaders of the road. We're supposed to be equals and there is no need for shouting or threatening others.

Very true, I cannot agree more with you! I think it's also important that cycling is a sort of exercise, and that lowers stress in most people, unlike driving a car, which can be even frustrating on longer rides or when you are struck in slow-moving traffic for hours etc.
That's sad and unfortunate. I don't see why vehicle users believe that the whole road is just for them. Most of them totally ignore cyclists as travelers and I'm sure if certain laws weren't in place, they would cause a lot of trouble. I have never touched a car in my life with my bike yet I have been accused of doing so countless amount of times.
This type of thing is the exception rather than the rule. Also, there are cyclists equally as likely to do something like this. Anybody stating otherwise is either ignorant or just deluding themselves.
This type of thing is the exception rather than the rule. Also, there are cyclists equally as likely to do something like this. Anybody stating otherwise is either ignorant or just deluding themselves.

Violence can come from every party involved, I don't think it's wise to assume that someone is harmless because they are a cyclist, or that they might pack a gun if they are a driver.
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I should add also that there are members of this forum site that have stated that they carry weapons like guns with them when they ride. It isn't a stretch to think that others with anger issues may do the same and be perpetrators against motorists as well. Road rage isn't just a motorist or cyclist issue. There are marginal personalities using all types of transportation and anyone could be a perpetrator.
The old fatty 4wd'er should have been thrown in jail for a few months.
Oh, it is horrible.

Luckily all I ever experienced from road rage is car-doors purposely opened at me while riding. I honestly do not think what is going on in these people's mind.
The only road rage I have had directed at me on a bicycle is probably more puerile humor than rage. People blasting their horn just to scare the **** out me.
Road rage is real, and it is a problem, make no mistake about it. I also cannot say that I am devoid of any finger pointing, either, because I have seen myself get very angry on the road and make some stupid decisions. I would like to think that overall I am a pretty mild mannered person, but something about being behind the wheel alone allows you to unleash, and for some people they might take it too far. Self control is just easier said than done sometimes.
Road rage is real, and it is a problem, make no mistake about it. I also cannot say that I am devoid of any finger pointing, either, because I have seen myself get very angry on the road and make some stupid decisions. I would like to think that overall I am a pretty mild mannered person, but something about being behind the wheel alone allows you to unleash, and for some people they might take it too far. Self control is just easier said than done sometimes.

Road rage doesn't refer to being angry or upset with others on the road. It refers to violent acts of somebody angry with others on the road. Your comment about self control is nothing more then an excuse for bad behavior.
A hot headed car driver with anger issues. Why always the jerks end up being car drivers? I'm yet to watch a situation where the cyclist is the one harassing and driving like a dumbass.
Yeah, you are right. The real mistake is done by the car driver but the cycle rider ends up being harassed. I hate this kind of situation. I have never experienced it in my real life but I want to say that the car drivers need to lower their temper and anger. I hate this kind of news.
Yeah, you are right. The real mistake is done by the car driver but the cycle rider ends up being harassed. I hate this kind of situation. I have never experienced it in my real life but I want to say that the car drivers need to lower their temper and anger. I hate this kind of news.
You haven't experienced it because it is rare. Also to unilaterally state that car drivers have temper issues is rude and wrong. There are plenty of cyclists that are just as bad.
Yeah, you are right. The real mistake is done by the car driver but the cycle rider ends up being harassed. I hate this kind of situation. I have never experienced it in my real life but I want to say that the car drivers need to lower their temper and anger. I hate this kind of news.
I don't believe in this fact. Sometimes, the cyclist makes the mistake. They ride on the wrong lane and that results in an accident. What can a car driver do in these types of situation? The anxiety will definitely raise in this environment.