Shorts or shorts with bibs?

Aussie Steve said:
Speaking with a guy that I have done many many kms (miles) with, is a former South African national road and track champion when he was younger...

he says Bibs are no good at all for him.
" legs are very short compared to my torso, so if I get bibs that fit my torso, I look funny (funnier?) because the ends of the knicks are around my knees...if I get ones that fit my legs, the braces are too tight, the wedding tackle is squeezed up tight...hate them..."

he is happy with normal knicks.
But bib & brace knicks, for me, are great, comfortable, perfect...
The longest ride I ever happened to be with some new Assos bibs which were too small, especially the bibs. 11hrs in them, kind of sucked. but the chamois was by far the best ever (stretch type).

haha wedding tackle