Sleep - I can't - Help Me.


New Member
Apr 27, 2003
Does anyone have a problem sleeping the night before a race ?
I usually sleep like a baby but every time I have a race the next day, it's impossible. I'm not really a nervous person and don't get worked up about races, but there is a gremlin that won't let me sleep - at all, not one minute. It's frustrating because I know I'm capable of doing a lot better in races because I train well, ride well and people say I've got a lot of potential. It's so bad that I've nearly fallen asleep on the start line before and people that I know I'm better than are beating me and I'm fed up with using the excuse - ''I haven't slept''.
I can't be alone on this - has anyone else been there and found a cure ?


The good news is that one night of lost sleep is unlikely to greatly effect your performance - unless you talk yourself into it (ie use it as an excuse). There are relaxation exercises (meditation, relaxing muscles, etc.) you can do to, that may get you closer to sleep - but if you are mentally running in over drive it may not help. Chances are the more races you do, the better you will sleep the night before (less to be anxious about). Think confident thoughts, and try to convince yourself everything will go well.



i read somewhere that supplementing Vitamin B6 and L-Trypothan helps.

Have never tried it myself.

I used to run stress management courses and I reckon clever guy is on to something with the meditation. Get a couple of cassettes of "passive progressive muscular relaxation" and listen to them whilst in bed or try visualisation techniques - breath deeply and easily, and imagine yourself in a place from your past where you have felt really good about yourself and chilled - favourite beach, childhood play area etc. - and just try to think that you're there. Works for me.
Have a look at your eating habits during the few days leading up to the event. Try and avoid heavy meals, such as red meat.
Avoid supplements, drinks or enery boosters like Red Bull or Coke the night before, as these contain stimulants that can keep you awake.
So that you are less anxious in races, simulate them in training. Also realise that anxiety can be good as long as you see it that way.

Check out some sports psychology websites, particularly those dealing with 'negative anxiety'.
thanks a lot guys, you've been a great help. I'll check that negative anxiety thing soon, as that sounds like what I might be experiencing.

All of this talk of meditation and stuff is all good. BUT if you still have problems, as a last resort it might be an idea to take a mild sleeping pill the day before a race. I tried it a couple of times and found it great. Just try not to depend on them.
I used them when travelling to Malaysia, 11 hour time difference and stuff is tough to come to terms with.
I tried sleeping tablets for a long haul flight and they worked a treat. I took nytol a few years ago when i was suffering from a little insomnia. I got the sleep but i never felt really rested, I'm not saying don't try them but just a note of caution if you're racing the next day.