Snacking health questions


New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Currently I am a recovering addict of such snacks as popcorn and crackers. My question is how healthy are these? Mainly im concerned about saltine crackers, because I can honestly make a meal out of those things. They are my personal crack I guess you could say. Saltines and a bottle of water and man im all set. Is this healthy for a racer? I put 2-4 hundred miles a week on my bike and over the course of the past 2 weeks 2 long packs of crackers lol. I can't help it! Healthy or not? Comments? And while im at it, anyone know how healthy kilbassa is?

Cheers ..
Forever Snacking
Originally posted by itsacarr
Currently I am a recovering addict of such snacks as popcorn and crackers. My question is how healthy are these? Mainly im concerned about saltine crackers, because I can honestly make a meal out of those things. They are my personal crack I guess you could say. Saltines and a bottle of water and man im all set. Is this healthy for a racer? I put 2-4 hundred miles a week on my bike and over the course of the past 2 weeks 2 long packs of crackers lol. I can't help it! Healthy or not? Comments? And while im at it, anyone know how healthy kilbassa is?

Cheers ..
Forever Snacking

Crackers and popcorn are okay, I never stopped eating them...I just eat them in more moderate portions now.

Try the low fat kettle corn and other flavros of microwaved popcorn. Also, crackers are okay but maybe try to get whole wheat ones?
I've never tasted microwave popcorn that I liked. I'd recommend getting a jar of Orville Redenbacker's popping corn to pop the old fashioned way. It's not popcorn that's bad for you; rather, it's what you put on it - like butter.

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