Snazzy bike path lights along Gardiner's Creek Trail


Paul Yates

While riding home tonight I came across a detour (yes another one) on the
Gardiner's Creek Trail in Glen Iris. Not having a big 'you are here' sign
on the map, and not knowing the area, other than the bike path, I rode
continued on my merry, like a whole bunch of other cyclists. The path has
little LED? lights along the edges. Looks like you are riding on a runway.
Very good for knowing where the path goes and better than sticking street
light along the path and adding to the rampant light pollution this city
(Melbourne) has.

Anyone else think there were just as many cyclists out and about at peak
hour as there are on a dry day?

ATX 840 (today at least)
they are solar-powered self-contained lil' units.

Vicorads and some councils have been trialling 'em for a while.

i have a couple sitting on my desk. if you whack 'em in the dark they automatically light up. nifty. (not cheap tho...)

not bad for a scenario like that...
I went through there last night and thought they were interesting. I had the spot lights on so they didn't help me much but looking back along the track it looked pretty snazzy.
<treadly&amp> wrote:

> Yeah, I had a bit of an "ooh, wow!" moment there last night. I happened
> to have a camera on board, so I stopped and 'took a few shots'
> (

I suppose the next thing would be to check whether they remain in place
for long or are stolen by people wanting the photovoltaics.

On May 5, 4:06 pm, [email protected] (Peter) wrote:
> <treadly&amp> wrote:
> > Yeah, I had a bit of an "ooh, wow!" moment there last night. I happened
> > to have a camera on board, so I stopped and 'took a few shots'
> > (

> I suppose the next thing would be to check whether they remain in place
> for long or are stolen by people wanting the photovoltaics.
> P

The guy driving the tractor/slasher in Anzac Park, Brisbane seems to
be pretty good at shattering them.

Peter said:
I suppose the next thing would be to check whether they remain in place for long or are stolen by people wanting the photovoltaics.

They'd take a bit of digging out, but I suppose someone would. When I first heard about this and I thought they'd be mounted on the surface, I just assumed someone would be down there to collect them with a spade...
treadly&me said:
Yeah, I had a bit of an "ooh, wow!" moment there last night. I happened to have a camera on board, so I stopped and took a few shots.

The new bits have been done by BoroondaraCC, with more to follow.

The lights are the first thing Stonnie have done on the GC path for years....
flyingdutch said:
The new bits have been done by BoroondaraCC, with more to follow.

Oh bugger, that's really embarrassing! I stand well-and-truly corrected--my error is acknowledged and corrected. You are The Source, dutchy.

Mind you, I'm really glad to learn that--it was shaking my world view to think that Stonnington was doing something significant to improve the state of the trail (pretty night lights notwithstanding).

flyingdutch said:
The lights are the first thing Stonnie have done on the GC path for years....

Ain't that the truth.