Social parasites bucking for disability.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
I've encountered three people in the past few months who have an aspirational goal - being "sick enough" that they would qualify for the US Social Security SSI program. One specifically stated his "plan" involved gaining so much weight that he could no longer work, or walk. WTF???? Really? What is wrong with someone that they not only do not appreciate their physical health, but that they want to be "supported" by others. Please don't think I lack compassion for those legitimately disabled, there are many people who truly need a social safety net. A neighbor of mine is a good example, divorced mother of 2 teenage boys who was diagnosed with stage IV terminal cancer. I have been miserable all day - some kind of virus, I stayed home from work, I feel guilty about that but I had no choice, I am really sick. I am sick all of the time, frankly, between side effects from my medications to something I was recently diagnosed with, asthma. I struggle so hard to get myself into the best shape I can, and it's not easy. So, it just disgusts me to think of grifters wishing themselves sick. Maybe getting their wish is their real punishment.
Neither do I think people should be punished for being sick, but they should be punished for engaging in the behaviors that make them sick. I praise these heros for exposing a flawed system!
It just really bothers me to see people so blatantly want to take advantage. When I had chemo for refractory anemia/chronic myeloid leukemia, it was heartbreaking to see people at the oncology center who were undergoing multiple rounds of treatments and fighting so hard just to survive. So someone who "wants to be sick" royally pisses me off.
Originally Posted by MotownBikeBoy

One specifically stated his "plan" involved gaining so much weight that he could no longer work, or walk.
They'll die early and save us money in the long run. Disability doesn't really pay much, but the last five or so years of Medicare coverage costs an astronomical amount.
faustfire said:
They'll die early and save us money in the long run. Disability doesn't really pay much, but the last five or so years of Medicare coverage costs an astronomical amount.
Good riddance!
Originally Posted by MotownBikeBoy

When I had chemo for refractory anemia/chronic myeloid leukemia
Have you heard about this?

Quote: Data from fifteen years of investigations endorse the use of freeze-dried berries for prevention trials of digestive tract cancers. Berries contain a number of known chemopreventive agents; however, most if not all of these agents is too low to be protective unless concentrated 9-10 fold by the freeze-drying. Studies with extracts of freeze dried berries suggest that the anthocyanins are important for their cancer preventive effects, particularly in view of their relative abundance in black raspberries. It is likely, however, that other compounds contribute significantly to the overall protective effect and studies to identify and rank these compounds are underway.
Quote by MBB"
"...being "sick enough" that they would qualify for the US Social Security SSI program."

Disability...the new welfare status symbol program for white trash!

My area is full of people in good enough shape to hike to the mailbox to get their fair share of the Free **** Army bonus.

A lot of them work under the table. A lot of them are in good enough shape to ride their expensive ATV's and brand new UTV's. They bounce around on their garden tractors for hours...after getting 100% disability for a 'bad back'.

The fibromyalgia types are the ones that crack me up..."they're in PAINNNNNN!!!!!1one!!!" Well no ****! Just who the hell ISN'T in major pain that lived to 50+ and lived a life worth living? Pretty much all of us are 'disabled' in more than one SSI definition of the word.

Quote by faustfire:
"They'll die early and save us money in the long run."

Sadly, medical science the healthcare industry has found it very profitable to keep the fatties alive and paying. Stints, shunts, OHS, blood thinners, diabetes drugs, hyper-tension drugs, etc. are a huge cash cow and now that hard working taxpayers will be footing the bill for Obongocare the sky's the limit.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Quote by faustfire:
"They'll die early and save us money in the long run."

Sadly, medical science the healthcare industry has found it very profitable to keep the fatties alive and paying. Stints, shunts, OHS, blood thinners, diabetes drugs, hyper-tension drugs, etc. are a huge cash cow and now that hard working taxpayers will be footing the bill for Obongocare the sky's the limit.
Not necessarily.

Obama's healthcare reform is supposed to implement Value Based Purchasing (VBP). This means that hospitals will be reimbursed for the quality of their care. For example, the hospital may be reimbursed on a illness-by-illness basis, instead of being reimbursed for each and every unnecessary medical test or procedure. Everybody saw this change coming. Doctors knew it needed to happen, they just didn't know exactly how it would be implemented.

The implementation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) is how it will be done. The government evaluates the hospital, and gives the hospital extra money if it meets certain "benchmarks". Many of these "benchmarks" are cost cutting measures. For example, it emphasizes preventive medicine, i.e. making sure that the patient doesn't come back (i.e. return business
A lot of Medicare participating hospitals will be doing this. Maybe all of them. I don't know a lot about it.
How will this new system respond to patients who refuse to change their lifestyle? I don't know. That depends on what is profitable.

I learned a lot of this from Forbes Insights' Getting From Volume To Value article.

I never finished reading it, unfortunately.
Quote by U2K:
"Doctors knew it needed to happen"

WTF planet do these doctors practice on???

It ain't the goobermint's money that is being paid out. It's a never-ending, inexhaustible supply of taxpayer dollars and there will be zero accountability for it. It's a government program and they will **** it up six ways from Sunday. Like they do with everything else.
jpr95 said:
Disability--the new unemployment and retirement!
Only for the bottom feeders. Who would want to live like that? One of the first things that went through my mind after I heard "leukemia" was "my career is over". Scared the **** out of me. I like what I do, I like my job, I like the people I work with. The thought of not being able to do it terrifies me. Then I get to the oncology center and they ask if you want to talk to a medical social worker about issues like that. I know, trying to be helpful, but it just further freaked me out.
One of the older farmers in my 'hood just had both hips replaced...simultaneously. It had got to the point that he could no longer climb up into the cabs of his large tractors.

After paying for the expensive operations out of his own pocket (he can proudly say he never paid a health insurance premium, let alone sign up for some retarded socialist Obongocare plan), he's back in the saddle and will probably work his farm until he no longer can get out of bed in the morning.

Another neighbor is a younger man...about 40. He hasn't worked in years and never will again. He got on the 'Back Pain Dole' and now sucks at the goobermint teat.

Guess which, of those two population types, is increasing in number and which is decreasing.

Is this worth worrying about? You damned right it is.

There's more and more rats eating the government cheese...and guess where the money comes from to buy that cheese? Obongo's printing presses at Treasury are running so fast Timken can't supply replacement bearings quickly enough. That cash is backed up only by the blood and sweat of those that still work...and don't go John Galt...
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
There's more and more rats eating the government cheese...and guess where the money comes from to buy that cheese? Obongo's printing presses at Treasury are running so fast Timken can't supply replacement bearings quickly enough. That cash is backed up only by the blood and sweat of those that still work...and don't go John Galt...
Well, inflation has been slowing down since 2011 (inflation calculator). If it suddenly speeds up, maybe you can pin it on Obamacare.
Inflation may be slowing but food and other prices continue to rise. I speak from what I know goes out of my household eack week , not what some statistical chart indicates and the botton line is , I can't eat off of that chart.
I'll throw this out there - is it cheaper to eat the Standard American Diet or to eat local, organic and/or minimally processed foods in the correct portions? To keep it simple, I mean direct out of pocket costs, not things like future healthcare costs or environmental costs. Personally, since I made that change, my grocery bills have gone down. Per unit cost may be more for some things such as meat, but my portions are nutritionally adequate not "super sized" so cost on the plate is very reasonable.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
He got on the 'Back Pain Dole'

You can get money for back-pain? I am gonna be rich!!!

Ok, dont take the following as trolling but, at least these guys over there do what they do to them selfs. What I mean is, uhmmm, we got some these around:

The Gyps... ehmmm I ment the "Roma" population.:

Never went to school, living in the mud, dressing with bright colors, you know, the Gyps... ehmmm I ment the "Roma".

What they do is that they keep a stock of 3+ children for getting money from the government for having 3+ children and if the children (or them) are sick... Well you guessed it!

If you didn't, they cause health problems to their children in purpose to get more government money.

Quite often, when the extra kids are not producing enough income from selling stuff on the street, stealing mobile phones from cafes, selling drugs etc, they are "liquified", as in "sold" to somebody, or just abandoned on the nearest orphanage, at best...

Hows that huh?

Quote by u2k:
"Well, inflation has been slowing down since 2011"

Priced a new diesel dually lately? Twice the ticket over my 2006. I call that inflation.
Quote by MBB:
"I'll throw this out there - is it cheaper to eat the Standard American Diet or to eat local, organic and/or minimally processed foods in the correct portions?"

They don't call Whole Foods 'Whole Paycheck' for nuthin', brother.