Something a little different: What degree do you have?

BS in Marketing I got way back before I figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up and a Doctorate in Chiropractic after I did.
BS in Business and Accounting. Acquired at the age of 42. Never used it. I work as a Power Grid System Operator.
The way I see it is that if you didn't get a first then you dont have a degree :)

And even if you got a first you cheated if you worked hard and didn't skip lectures/revision.

Only if you were a total slacker trying your best to mess your life up and they still insist you must have a first then you have a degree. Otherwise you're at an unfair advantage to everyone else in uni.

Personally I was disgusted by my uni as they made first and second year a reasonable standard only to make thrid and fourth a non-academic work fest. Suddenly the failures started getting second class degrees. Disappointing.
I think a better title for this thread is "what degree's do you have and have you ever or do you still use them?"
jaguar75 said:
I think a better title for this thread is "what degree's do you have and have you ever or do you still use them?"
I use most of what I learned for my BS everyday ( minus the core class garbage of course), some of the Pharm D, and some of what Ive learned for the PhD every now and then. That will probably change once my job changes a little more...
SBSpartan said:
BA Advertising

Michigan State University

I can't believe someone said degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. Sure is a hell of a lot easier to get a job with one. So they must be worth something.
I agree. Although, you may feel that you were not prepared for a specific "job" by the classes you take in college your future employer knows that you have the dedication and intellect to obtain your degree and infer that you will exhibit the same in your career with them. They think that in college you will have learned how to analyze a problem and come up with solutions and they can provide the specific training and/or tools for you to be successful in their company.

I have an undergrad degree in Accounting and am a CPA. I've started on my MBA but am not very interested in completing it. I think once my kids get a little older I will go to Law school.
Wow...there's a lot of people in the "sciences". :D I have a BA in Psychology, a Master's in Social Work, and am going back to school this Fall for my PhD in Social Work. I'd like to do research on social problems and teach at the college level. I haven't been in school since 1998 - my brain is crusty!!!!
B.S and M.S. in physics, Ph.D. in philosophy. After that, a background in joke-writing and stand-up comedy, and then helping a little dog write her memoirs ( It all makes sense somehow. It's got to.

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