Sounds a lot like Wada and Pound

Davey has been sort of following that case, Bill, not so much for its
prurient interest, but because he has a sorta ''sometimes'' girlfriend
in Chapel Hill, NC, whom he must call later, it being around 5:30 AM
here, but still yesterday in YankeeDoodleReich,. who attended Duke,
and now teaches at UNC

It's with great relief that Davay learns that justice will be finally

But comenting on the subject at hand:

(1) Davey commented recently in a forum, posssibly this one, that in
the course of practising his profession of Accountant, he had on
several occasions heard policemen lie under oath on the Witness
Stand and further heard them relate, with straight face, how
evidence that might/would exculpate the defendant had mysteriously
''disappeared'', much to the relief of the Crown Prosecutor who
might otherwise have lost the case.

(2) He similarly remembers, that way back when in BushReich, when DNA
evidence was in its infancy, that several (numerous?) individuals,
convicted by DNA evidence, had been pardoned after it was revealed
that the testing laboratories, at least in cases that were
borderline and where doubt existed, and sometimes where no doubt
existed, reported what the Government Prosecutors wanted to hear.

This is a terrible situation that cannot be corrected by creating yet
another layer of ''government'' as has been suggested, which is only
putting another Fox to Guard the already Beleagured Chickens.

What is required is a movement back to a more basic society where
people believe in Truth rather than the Glory of Victory and where
there is Remedy for the citizenry when those who run the country
pursue goals of their own or otherwise engage in nefarious practises.

An armed citizenry, as in TellReich and as proposed by Nick Griffin of
the British National Party would go a long way towards solving at
least some of the ills of Society.

-- - Merry Christmas
Two military recruiting stations sit side-by-side in Tucson, one run
by the Army, the other by the Marines. Between them, a total of seven
recruiters were on the take, secretly accepting bribes to transport
cocaine, even as most spent their days visiting local high schools.

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