Specific heart muscle disease - connection to auto-immune processes?


Heidrun Wehnert

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As a concerned patient (female, 50 years, good general health condition) I am looking for contacts
to specialists of cardiology respectively immunology, who are interested in cross cutting issues
between these two fields: Is there a connection between endomyocardial fibrosis (endomyocarditis
parietalis fibroplastica Loeffler) and auto-immune diseases?

Abstract of the case:

- fibrotic stage has been diagnosed (Universitätsklinik Marburg / Herzzentrum Berlin), with
massive fibrotic sediments in the left apex (obliteration / interstitially fibrosis);

- extension of the ventricles (within 10 years), mitral valve impaired temporarily
(regurgigation up to grade III), tricuspidal valve rarely involved;

- in these sporadic situations inflammatory heart insufficiency and dyspnoea, HOCM (apical
type), disturbance of the left ventricle;

- moderate hyper-eosinophilia (10%) and normal coronary arteries

Literature claims possible connection to auto-immune disease.

Allergies occurring: pollen, animal protein, penicillin, animal hair, latex, iodine etc.)

In recent past important: meningitis, hepatitis B

I am looking for specialists, who search or may have experiences on these fields respectively for
contact to interested researchers.

Thank you, sincerely

Heidrun Wehnert