Sticky Threads for Training Session types?


New Member
Nov 14, 2003
Hi Everyone,

I've been reading this forum for sometime now and the level of information about training is just fantastic, it's great that so many people with such knowledge contritbute. It seems to me there is one small problem in that a lot of information is provided in different threads, but as the discussion concludes the information is difficult to find with such a large amount of threads and posts. So i had a through that maybe there could be some sticky threads maybe one for the different training types i.e. ftp, Vo2Max, AWC etc which we could add training sessions ideas, reasoning etc so it is easy to find and follow as time passes by. I wandered what other readers thought, and whether this might be a good idea?

[Edit] I meant to post this in 'power training' which is where i thought the sticky threads could be put, but i'm sure here will do


Thanks Jim.
If you have any thoughts on adding links to forum threads or sites let me know.
Like I said, it's been a while since I updated things.