
New Member
Jan 14, 2011
I have been riding for years. I had some crazed motorist read me the riot act this last weekend. Here is the situation: While stopped at light to turn left (leading green on left turn), we waited until the traffic across from us light had turned, because we were not heavy enough to trip the turn single we looked both ways and proceeded when clear. There were no cars behind us turning, no cars to the right of us that would be going straight. So the light would not have tripped for us to get the green until someone behind us finally showed up. Therefore, the question is from a legal standpoint should we have just waited until a car came finally triggering the light? Or sense we did stop waited until the turn single directly across from us had a green light & traffice was clear then proceeded we were in the right? I have always assumed when on a bike and often don't trigger those pressure sensors that if you stopped looked & traffice was clear you could proceed.
Some states allow cycles, bike or motorized, to consider a red light as a stop sign. Check your state laws.
Originally Posted by jhuskey .

Some states allow cycles, bike or motorized, to consider a red light as a stop sign. Check your state laws.


I would have done the same thing and preach that bikes should follow the same laws as cars, but there are circumstances such as this.
For 12 dollars you can control the light yourself. Most traffic lights work off motion sensors and not scales in the roadways. Motion sensors can be maintained and replaced easily. I would'nt imagine the DOT wanting to rip up the road way every time a traffic light breaks down.
Some states have provisions for vehicles to safely proceed through a malfunctioning or non-functioning traffic light after waiting through 2 complete cycles of the light. This would apply for cars as well as bikes if the turn arrow fails to change to green.
I live in the UK and it does annoy me when I see cyclists go through red lights from time to time as its just another excuse for motorists to get pissy with us.
I'm not comparing this to the initial question at the top, simply commenting.