Strange things attacking cyclists

Hot hot day.
Car full of girls were driving beside me.
One of them in the back shouted: Please loook!
As she lifted her tee shirt.
Barely avoided a crash.
JohnO said:
My wife almost killed me when she found out how much I spent on my bike...
That's good!! - I can relate, my wife attacked me just last weekend.

Yet another one to add -- this happened this Monday. I'm riding along ~25-30mph on a straight, slightly downhill road, looking for a hard-to-see turn that I often blow by on the left. My hands are firmly on the hoods, ready to squeeze the f brake on a quick decelleration into the LH turn (it's somewhat rocky already, so I need to slow quite a bit and fast).

All of a sudden: thud-swerve-"sh!t what was that" -- a large jackrabbit had lept out of the brush to the side of the road directly into my wheel/tire. Just saved going down, and guess what? I missed my turn.
female blader chick coming head-on (bike path is three people-wide, she was next to TWO friends all abreast). Didn't move. I barrel down at 27mph screaming, "Rider Up" --- doesn't move. Seconds tick by - am almost upon her, and she is looking directly at me. I think to myself, "is anybody in there at all?", and I smoke my brakes so I don't crash her. She actually leans into ME (now stopped)... and castigates me for going "so fast"....
For f***s sake, she wasn't carrying a white cane.... is it entirely possible that people just don't get "single file" on bike/walking/blading paths?
Oh yeah, and a bull snake (well it could have been a diamond back rattler, but I'll go with the bull), managed to time its slither across a different path just as I approached at speed. Bunny-hopped over that one...
Mariusroxana said:
Hot hot day.
Car full of girls were driving beside me.
One of them in the back shouted: Please loook!
As she lifted her tee shirt.
Barely avoided a crash.

That reminded me once while going up a hill a car comes up besides me and a girl reached out and slapped me in the ass. They went by shouting nice ass. I didn't know if I should be angry or flattered but it did scare me half to death. I couldn't convince them to stop. Guess it wasn't nice enough to stop traffic.
I guess you could call it "dumb person" attacks, but I've had a couple times where cars passed me, pulled over right in front of me and hit their brakes -- coming to a complete stop. Then they ask me for directions.
Another time a 18 wheeler locked up his brakes -- he was going the opposite direction, but he caused the other vehicles to swerve -- he stopped across the road and yelled to me, asking where some street was.
I've had all the usual dog chasing things, and anytime I see one I'm pretty cautious. However one day a small, sort of terrier type dog ran after me and I actually slowed down. The reason was that the dog's barking sounded like a chicken's squawking. I could see the dog but I kept looking for a chicken, too, until I realized the sound was coming from the dog. That dog must have been raised by roosters or something.
Let's see.. dogs. Check. Animals. Check. People. Check. Other, check. Can I vote for all of them?

Have had 4 different dogs chase me... ran over a pigeon, hit 1 person, missed like 10, got punched by a squeegee kid, I was so ******, I almost ran him down with my bike ala a charging linebacker, but on a bike. Cars. Oh yeah. Turning left. Slam on brakes. Turning right. Blow by them along the center line. Coming off the curb. Blow by them along the center line. Decide to park while I'm on their right=mount the curb and scream. I would add I think I was attacked by another cyclist, who rammed his front wheel into my back wheel. The wheels scraped, and I think he lost control, as he decided to fall back.

I have been intentionally hit by cars, spit on by other cyclists, even shot at by a bunch of kids driving by, thankfully they were bad shots. Once while biking in the mountains ran into a pack of 15 dogs. weirdest thing though was a friend had a bird fly through his front wheel while he was descending at 40 mph, cut it into 3 pieces. we wouldnt have believed him except for the blood on his bike and he brought back what was left of the bird. I was amazed that a spoke could make such a clean cut.
My ex-wife had a very large horse fall in love with her, break his tether and chase her down the road for a good long while. Couldn't have happened to a better person...
I forgot the wasp and bee that stung me before being destroyed by the kinetic energy of me on my bike.

Guilt. Faster than any dog, flashing pictures of my 5- and 8-year-old, almost crying, asking why they can't go with me when I go for a training ride.

Less effective attacks came from a cab that bumped my back wheel repeatedly in heavy traffic because the driver decided I wasn't going fast enough; flocks of geese that may not be too stupid to drown in the rain but are definitely too stupid to get out of the way of a speeding bike on a long downhill. I've also surprised so many forest rodents who were sitting peacefully on a path that I've learned how to say "holy s*&%" in chipmunk.
Some sort of stinging bug. It got on my back and stung me - I was lagging on a hill - but when it stung me, I hit the gas - sprinted up the hill, screaming, to catch up wtih the others so they could get it off of me - they said they never knew I had such a sprint in me! :eek: Wish I knew where the energy came from, or how I can get it again without being stung :confused:
I was in a race once and the the bunch in front of me was brought down by a bunny. It ran straight into a front Spinergy, with spectacular results.