Summer 2004 Touring Teachers ?!


New Member
Dec 17, 2003
Any teachers cycling/touring in Summer 2004 ?


I have not cycled on a tour before, but want to try. I think it is better to go in a group first to learn about longer distance cycling, etc. So, I was wondering if there are any other teachers out their who are on an organised tour or who will be organising a tour somewhere this Summer (beg July to end of August).

Anywhere, any length of time.

I live in London, 26 year old male.

Dylan-- Please contact me at [email protected] There is a group of us currently planning on cycling the ATLANTIC COAST and NOVA SCOTIA here in the States. We will be starting in SOUTH CAROLINA in June and then will be coming back in late August. If you are interested in details, please email me.

--John Demirjian
Originally posted by dylang
Any teachers cycling/touring in Summer 2004 ?


I have not cycled on a tour before, but want to try. I think it is better to go in a group first to learn about longer distance cycling, etc. So, I was wondering if there are any other teachers out their who are on an organised tour or who will be organising a tour somewhere this Summer (beg July to end of August).

Anywhere, any length of time.

I live in London, 26 year old male.

Hi Dylan: I have done many tours, although I am in the lucky position of having a wife that enjoys it as much, if not more, than I do. My suggestion to you is to not be too concerned about having a companion with you to start a tour. You will be suprised at how many cyclists there are out there during July & August. Just decide where you want to go, GO and you will be able to join up with a group, or a single, while you are out there. If they prove to be too fast, or too slow, just move on and join another group. My wife & I have always travelled as a pair, but we have had many singles and groups join us for days and/or weeks, as we did our tours. We are "seniors" now, so it seems that they don't stay with us as long anymore, but we have met so many nice people that way over the years. Also, you are going to be suprised at how many "seniors" are out there touring each summer. I think we are heading for the Canadian Maritimes again this summer............byfred

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