The best Vids!!



So here is the plan everyone who has made videos on this forum please
post what you think is the best one out of all the videos. This will
help people who maybe didnt see video see one.

brockfisher05 - THE YAM FATHER

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brockfisher05 wrote:
> *So here is the plan everyone who has made videos on this forum please
> post what you think is the best one out of all the videos. This will
> help people who maybe didnt see video see one. *

i 'still' ( think that this is good idea
it seems tho that the masses have spoken and indicated their

oh well
i don't care
thanx to John Childs, i have 15 gigs worth of UniVids to wade thru
and i don't have to battle waiting for a single download

GILD - Waffle-****** and Time-bider

if you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me.--
alice 'roosevelt' ( longworth
I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages.-- William H.

...using nietzsche's metaphysics to escape from
christianity...-'metro_tramp on the value of metaphysics'
it's hard to be sure, and good to be paranoid...john childs on life on
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'Dave' (
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Evan Byrne wrote:
> *I dont get why ppl like muniac so much, i mena to me it seems like
> kinda suckish riding. *

the riding isn't anything professional, but it's so well done. it's a
great movie. if you want to watch amazing riding, then watch Ryan
Atkins' movie.

James_Potter - betcha can't stick it!
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Evan Byrne wrote:
> *i think KFC sd was a great flick, very well put together, good camera
> angles, damn good riding...ect ect *

that one was good, but I didn't really get it.... what did KFC have to
do with anything?

James_Potter - betcha can't stick it!
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Well, 'these' ( aren't
really of anyone on this forum, (although Ryan Woessner and Simon Wells
post here once in a great while) but they are some of the most
interesting and impressive unicycling videos you can see anywhere
online. :)

jsm - Freestyle Expert

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