The Late Great ARBR


Edward Dolan

As ARBR slowly drifts into incoherence, let us review for one last moment
what has brought us to the present state of affairs.

I came to this group over two years ago when it was nothing but a pig sty of
liberal posting. I cleaned it up, but I did it fair and square by arguing
the issues one by one with anyone who was brave enough to take me on. That
is how a newsgroup ought to function. I gave as well as I took.

What has changed? Ed Gin came to this group with nothing but mindless
trolling. He steals names that do not belong to him and he parrots other's
posts which is nothing if not dumb. But that kind of dumbness has destroyed
the newsgroup. Ask yourselves, if you were coming to this group for the
first time, would you be interested when you see what is going on here. No
newbies will come here the way things are now. No women will ever come here
either because they are not as crazy as we are.

Ed Gin has destroyed the newsgroup single handedly because the rest of you
were too cowardly to oppose him. One rotten apple can spoil the barrel and
it has happened right here on ARBR before your very eyes.

I have previously announced that I was leaving this group and all Usenet
groups forever because scumbags like Ed Gin can get away with murder. I am
still going to leave, but I am going to go very slowly because I am somewhat
interested to see just how cowardly the rest of you are and how much you
will put up with until you rebel against a character like Ed Gin. We shall
see, won't we!

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
More monkey **** from the chump chimp ex-Monkey Islander who has
transfromed A.R.B.R. into a stagnant cesspool

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