The Limassol Marathon GSO is held at 20th February 2011 in Cyprus.

[COLOR= black]Besides full marathon/half marathon/10k, there are shorter races for seasoned and [/COLOR]
[COLOR= black]Tyro. It will be a fascinating and attractive scene. Will you join this attractive and memorial event. Its details in this website: [/COLOR][COLOR= blue][/COLOR]
[COLOR= rgb(255, 102, 0)][SIZE= 12pt]In Cyprusfull marathon/Half marathon/10k are going to be held on 20th February 2011at LimassolCity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR= black]Previously the Marathonraces are only known in few countries but at present it is[SIZE= 12pt] Internationally introduced[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(255, 102, 0)] see for more[SIZE= 12pt] Information:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE= 12pt]Limassol Marathon2011[/SIZE]
[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]he purpose built track has been engineered in Germany by Velotrack, the team that built the velodromes for the Atlanta Olympics and the Delhi Commonwealth Games. The Red Bull Mini Drome track will maintain race-worthy [/COLOR]

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