Tight Calves and Hamstring


New Member
Dec 5, 2004
I have developed very tight calves and a tight hamstring. I think it was from over training in the summer; an increase in training intensity combined with not doing good stretching

The calves are so tight that when i get up in the morning i have to walk on tip toe for a minute. I circuit train as well as cycle and the calves have pulled badly a couple of times.

My left hamstring is very tight. I get pain down the sciatic nerve even during walking.the tightness might be the cause of some knee pain i experienced during summer.

Thing is, i cant seem to shake these injuries. I have been stretching every single night for 2-3 months with only a little improvement. I still cycle and occasionally circuit train, but only lightly.

What should i do? Just stick at it? Should I stop all training? How long does it normally take to get over these sorts of injuries?

You probally should see a doctor if you want it completely cleared up, but be prepared to sacrifice most of a season. If it is causing as much discomfort as you say I would see a doctor.
GIFF07 said:
You probally should see a doctor if you want it completely cleared up, but be prepared to sacrifice most of a season. If it is causing as much discomfort as you say I would see a doctor.
I would second this suggestion. See if ya damaged anything first. However, I think its more likely youve just pushed yourself too far without allowing for recovery. I read an article by a sports physiologist who suggest that all athletes take a month off during the off season. Off, off. No riding, swimming, all that. My leg injury forged me to take that time off. Four weeks back into my schedule, I feel better than I have in a long time, especially on my rides.