Todays ride (which GPS?) ...

in message <[email protected]>, elyob
('[email protected]') wrote:

> "Keith Willoughby" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I was actually looking at this the other day, with the intentions of
>> doing it manually, but came to the conclusion that cycling the Trail
>> would be much easier than trying to come up with the way-points from
>> the map.
>> So, you just upload a set of waypoints?

> Well, no .. this is just following my route. But I have been looking at
> creating waypoints using google maps. I'm hoping to create a waypoint
> creator using google maps.
> It's at version -0.1 at the moment.
> But it sure looks like a possibility.
> Want to help build it? I really think the XML API is a better bet than
> javascript ..

I might just join in there. Will what you produce be GPL?

[email protected] (Simon Brooke)
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On 2005-07-31, Simon Brooke <[email protected]> wrote:
> conversion to latitude/longitude. So I've got to recast this lot
><URL:> into Java. The really frustrating

I threw this together a while ago. Does it help?


public class LatLongToOSGB
private static double scalechange = (20.4894 / 1000000.0);
private static double rz = (-0.8421);
private static double ry = (-0.247);
private static double rx = (-0.1502);

private static double r0c0 = (1 + scalechange);
private static double r0c1 = (-1 * rz * 0.000004848136811);
private static double r0c2 = (ry * 0.000004848136811);

private static double r1c0 = (rz * 0.000004848136811);
private static double r1c1 = r0c0;
private static double r1c2 = (-1 * rx * 0.000004848136811);

private static double r2c0 = (-1 * ry * 0.000004848136811);
private static double r2c1 = (rx * 0.000004848136811);
private static double r2c2 = r0c0;

private static double pi = 3.1415926535;
private static double NGa = 6377563.396;
private static double NGb = 6356256.910;
private static double WGS84a = 6378137.0;
private static double WGS84b = 6356752.3141;

private static double NGFo = 0.9996012717;
private static double NGphiOrigin = (49.0 * pi/180);
private static double NGlamdaOrigin = (-2.0 * pi/180);
private static double NGeOrigin = 400000.0;
private static double NGnOrigin = -100000.0;

private static double m_aSquared = (NGa * NGa);
private static double m_bSquared = (NGb * NGb);
private static double m_eSquared = ((m_aSquared - m_bSquared)/ m_aSquared);
private static double m_n = ((NGa - NGb)/ (NGa + NGb));
private static double m_nToTheTwo = (m_n * m_n);
private static double m_nToTheThree = (m_nToTheTwo * m_n);
private static double m_NGaNGFo = (NGa * NGFo);
private static double m_NGbNGFo = (NGb * NGFo);
private static double m_WGS84aSquared = (WGS84a * WGS84a);
private static double m_WGS84bSquared = (WGS84b * WGS84b);
private static double m_WGS84eSquared = ((m_WGS84aSquared - m_WGS84bSquared)/ m_WGS84aSquared);

private double northing;
private double easting;
public double phi;
public double lamda;
public double latitude;
public double longitude;

public LatLongToOSGB()

private void validateLatLong() {
// some validation
// if (latitude < 30.0)
// System.err.println("Too far South!");

// if (latitude > 70.0)
//System.err.println("Too far North!");

//if (longitude < -10.0)
//System.err.println("Too far West!");

//if (longitude > 3.0)
//System.err.println("Too far East!");

private void validateOSGB()
// some validation
if (northing < 0.0)
System.err.println("Too far South!");

if (northing > 1300000.0)
System.err.println("Too far North!");

if (easting < 0.0)
System.err.println("Too far West!");

if (easting > 700000.0)
System.err.println("Too far East!");

private void HelTrans(double ElipsoidHeight)
// Helmert Transformation

// lat long height

//This lat long to 3-d uses WGS84 m_eSquaredIN, NGaIN

double v = WGS84a/Math.sqrt(1 - m_WGS84eSquared * Math.pow(Math.sin(phi), 2) );
double inCoOrdX = (v + ElipsoidHeight)* Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(lamda);
double inCoOrdY = (v + ElipsoidHeight)* Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(lamda);
double inCoOrdZ = ((1 - m_WGS84eSquared)* v + ElipsoidHeight) * Math.sin(phi);

double prod1 = (1 + scalechange) * inCoOrdX +
(-1 * rz * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdY +
(ry * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdZ +

double prod2 = (rz * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdX +
(1 + scalechange) * inCoOrdY +
(-1 * rx * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdZ +

double prod3 = (-1 * ry * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdX +
(rx * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdY +
(1 + scalechange) * inCoOrdZ +

// This 3-d to lat long uses OSGB m_eSquared, NGa

double p = Math.sqrt(prod1 * prod1 + prod2 * prod2);
double lat1 = Math.atan2(prod3, p * (1 - m_eSquared));
double v1 = NGa / Math.sqrt(1 - m_eSquared * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat1), 2));
double lat2 = Math.atan2(prod3 + m_eSquared * v1 * Math.sin(lat1), p);
double v2 = NGa / Math.sqrt(1 - m_eSquared* Math.pow(Math.sin(lat2), 2));

phi = Math.atan2(prod3 + m_eSquared * v2 * Math.sin(lat2), p);
lamda = Math.atan2(prod2, prod1);
ElipsoidHeight = p /Math.cos(phi) - v2;

void RevHelmert()
// Reverse Helmert Transformation

// lat long height

// This lat long to 3-d uses OSGB m_eSquared, NGa

double v = NGa/Math.sqrt(1.0 - m_eSquared * Math.pow(Math.sin(phi), 2) );
double inCoOrdX = (v )* Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(lamda);
double inCoOrdY = (v )* Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(lamda);
double inCoOrdZ = ((1.0 - m_eSquared)* v ) * Math.sin(phi);

// All parameter signs reversed.

double prod1 = (1.0 - scalechange) * inCoOrdX +
(rz * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdY +
(ry * -0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdZ +

double prod2 = (rz * -0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdX +
(1.0 - scalechange) * inCoOrdY +
(rx * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdZ +

double prod3 = (ry * 0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdX +
(rx * -0.000004848136811) * inCoOrdY +
(1.0 - scalechange) * inCoOrdZ +

// This 3-d to lat long uses WGS84 m_eSquaredIN, NGaIN

double p = Math.sqrt(prod1 * prod1 + prod2 * prod2);
double lat1 = Math.atan2(prod3, p * (1.0 - m_WGS84eSquared));
double v1 = WGS84a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - m_WGS84eSquared * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat1), 2));
double lat2 = Math.atan2(prod3 + m_WGS84eSquared * v1 * Math.sin(lat1), p);
double v2 = WGS84a /Math.sqrt(1.0 - m_WGS84eSquared * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat2), 2));

phi = Math.atan2(prod3 + m_WGS84eSquared * v2 * Math.sin(lat2), p);
v2 = WGS84a /Math.sqrt(1.0 - m_WGS84eSquared* Math.pow(Math.sin(phi), 2)); // we iterate once more.
phi = Math.atan2(prod3 + m_WGS84eSquared * v2 * Math.sin(phi), p);
lamda = Math.atan2(prod2, prod1);

private void doCalc(boolean bApplyOSGB1936Transform, double ElipsoidHeight)
if (bApplyOSGB1936Transform)

double phisine = Math.sin(phi);
double phisineSquared = phisine * phisine;
double phicos = Math.cos(phi);
double phicosCubed = phicos * phicos * phicos;
double phicosToTheFifth = phicos * phicos * phicosCubed; // ****************************** FIXED
double phiTan = Math.tan(phi);
double phiTanSquared = phiTan * phiTan;
double phiTanToTheFourth = phiTanSquared * phiTanSquared;
double OneMinuseSquaredphisineSquared = 1.0 - m_eSquared * phisineSquared;
double phiMinusNGphiOrigin = phi - NGphiOrigin;
double phiPlusNGphiOrigin = phi + NGphiOrigin;

double v = m_NGaNGFo / Math.sqrt(OneMinuseSquaredphisineSquared);
double p = m_NGaNGFo * (1.0 - m_eSquared) * Math.pow((OneMinuseSquaredphisineSquared), -1.5);
double nnSquared = v/p - 1.0;

double frag1 = (1.0 + m_n + (5.0/4.0) * (m_nToTheTwo + m_nToTheThree)) * phiMinusNGphiOrigin;
double frag2 = (3.0 * (m_n + m_nToTheTwo) + (21.0/8.0) * m_nToTheThree) * Math.sin(phiMinusNGphiOrigin) * Math.cos(phiPlusNGphiOrigin);
double frag3 = ((15.0/8.0) * (m_nToTheTwo + m_nToTheThree)) * Math.sin(2.0 * (phiMinusNGphiOrigin)) * Math.cos(2.0 * (phiPlusNGphiOrigin));
double frag4 = ((35.0/24) * m_nToTheThree) * Math.sin(3.0 * (phiMinusNGphiOrigin)) * Math.cos(3.0 * (phiPlusNGphiOrigin));

double lamdaDiff = lamda - NGlamdaOrigin;
double lamdaDiffSquared = lamdaDiff * lamdaDiff;
double lamdaDiffToTheFourth = lamdaDiffSquared * lamdaDiffSquared;

double I = m_NGbNGFo * (frag1 - frag2 + frag3 - frag4) + NGnOrigin;
double II = (v/2.0) * phisine * phicos;
double III = (v/24.0) * phisine * phicosCubed * (5 - phiTanSquared + 9 * nnSquared);
double IIIA = (v/720.0) * phisine * phicosToTheFifth * (61 - 58 * phiTanSquared + phiTanToTheFourth);

northing = I + II * lamdaDiffSquared + III * lamdaDiffToTheFourth + IIIA * lamdaDiffToTheFourth * lamdaDiffSquared;
double IV = v * phicos;
double V = (v/6.0) * phicosCubed * (v/p - phiTanSquared);
double VI = (v/120.0) * phicosToTheFifth * (5 - 18 * phiTanSquared + phiTanToTheFourth + 14 * nnSquared - (58 * (phiTanSquared * nnSquared)) );

easting = NGeOrigin + IV * lamdaDiff + V * lamdaDiffSquared * lamdaDiff + VI * lamdaDiffToTheFourth * lamdaDiff;

void RevCalc()
// See page 41 of guide to OSGB coordinate system

// easting = 651409.903;
// northing = 313177.270;

double M = 0.0;
double phi_dash = ((northing - NGnOrigin - M)/ (NGa * NGFo)) + NGphiOrigin;

double term1 = (1 + m_n + (5.0 / 4.0) * m_nToTheTwo + (5.0 / 4.0) * m_nToTheThree) * (phi_dash - NGphiOrigin);
double term2 = (3.0 * m_n + 3.0 * m_nToTheTwo + (21.0 / 8.0) * m_nToTheThree) * Math.sin(phi_dash - NGphiOrigin) * Math.cos(phi_dash + NGphiOrigin);
double term3 = ((15.0 / 8.0) * m_nToTheTwo + (15.0 / 8.0) * m_nToTheThree) * Math.sin(2.0 *(phi_dash - NGphiOrigin))
* Math.cos(2.0 * (phi_dash + NGphiOrigin));
double term4 = ((35.0 / 24.0) * m_nToTheThree) * Math.sin(3.0 *(phi_dash - NGphiOrigin)) * Math.cos(3.0 * (phi_dash + NGphiOrigin));

M = NGb * NGFo * (term1 - term2 + term3 - term4);

phi_dash += ((northing - NGnOrigin - M)/ (NGa * NGFo));
while ((northing - NGnOrigin - M) >= 0.001);

double v = (NGa * NGFo) * Math.pow((1.0 - m_eSquared * Math.sin(phi_dash) * Math.sin(phi_dash)), -0.5);

double p = (NGa * NGFo) * (1.0 - m_eSquared) * Math.pow((1.0 - m_eSquared * Math.sin(phi_dash) * Math.sin(phi_dash)), -1.5);

double nsquared = v/p -1;

double tan_phi_dash = Math.tan(phi_dash);
double tan_phi_dash_squared = tan_phi_dash * tan_phi_dash;

double pv = p * v;

double VII = tan_phi_dash / (2.0 * pv);

double vsquared = v * v;

double VIII = (tan_phi_dash / (24.0 * pv * vsquared)) * (5.0 + 3.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared +
nsquared - 9.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared * nsquared);

double IX = (tan_phi_dash/ (720.0 * pv * vsquared * vsquared)) * (61.0 + 90.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared +
+ 45.0 * (tan_phi_dash_squared * tan_phi_dash_squared));

double secx = 1.0 / Math.cos(phi_dash);
double X = secx / v;

double XI = secx / (6.0 * v * vsquared) * ( v/p + 2 * tan_phi_dash_squared);

double vforth = vsquared * vsquared;
double XII = secx / (120.0 * v * vforth) * (5.0 + 28.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared + 24.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared * tan_phi_dash_squared);

double tan_phi_dash_sixth = tan_phi_dash_squared * tan_phi_dash_squared * tan_phi_dash_squared;

double XIIA = secx / (5040.0 * v * vforth * vsquared) * (61.0 + 662.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared +
1320.0 * tan_phi_dash_squared * tan_phi_dash_squared +
720.0 * tan_phi_dash_sixth);

double edeltasquared = (easting - NGeOrigin) * (easting - NGeOrigin);
phi = phi_dash - VII * edeltasquared +
VIII * edeltasquared * edeltasquared -
IX * edeltasquared * edeltasquared * edeltasquared;

lamda = NGlamdaOrigin + X * (easting - NGeOrigin) -
XI * (easting - NGeOrigin) * edeltasquared +
XII * (easting - NGeOrigin) * edeltasquared * edeltasquared -
XIIA * (easting - NGeOrigin) * edeltasquared * edeltasquared * edeltasquared;

latitude = phi * 180 /pi;
longitude = lamda * 180 /pi;

public String getOSGBString()
int Northing = (int)(northing + 0.5);
int Easting = (int)(easting + 0.5);

int osgbEasting = Easting / 100000;
int osgbNorthing = 14 - (Northing / 100000);

int iNorth = ((osgbNorthing * 5) /25) * 5 + 'H';
if (osgbEasting > 4)

if (iNorth >= 'I')

int iEast = (osgbEasting % 5) + 'A';
iEast += (osgbNorthing * 5) % 25;
if (iEast >= 'I')

String result_ = "";
result_ += (char)iNorth;
result_ += (char)iEast;
result_ += (Easting % 100000);
result_ += (Northing % 100000);
return result_;

public boolean setOSGBString(String sz1) {
String sz = "";

for (int xx = 0; xx < sz1.length(); xx++)
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(sz1.charAt(xx)))
sz += sz1.charAt(xx);

int len = sz.length();

if (len == 0)
return false;

if (len % 2 == 1)
return false;

// pull apart the 2 initial letters - if present

if (Character.isLetter(sz.charAt(0)) != Character.isLetter(sz.charAt(1)))
return false;

String szNumericField;
easting = 0;
northing = 0;

if (Character.isLetter(sz.charAt(0)))
szNumericField = sz.substring(2);
if (!Convert(sz.charAt(0), sz.charAt(1))) {
return false;
} else {
szNumericField = sz;


// this field must have an even number of digits

len = szNumericField.length();

if (len % 2 == 1)
return false;

int factor = 10000;
for (int x = 0; x < len / 2; x++)
if (!Character.isDigit(szNumericField.charAt(x)))
return false;

if (!Character.isDigit(szNumericField.charAt(x + (len / 2))))
return false;

easting += factor * (szNumericField.charAt(x) & 0x0f);
northing += factor * (szNumericField.charAt(x + (len / 2)) & 0x0f);
factor = factor / 10;

return true;

boolean Convert(char ch1, char ch2)
ch1 &= 0x1f;
if (ch1 > 9)
ch1--; // skip i


ch2 &= 0x1f;
if (ch2 > 9)
ch2--; // skip i


easting = (ch2 % 5) * 100000;
northing = (4 - (ch2 / 5)) * 100000;

easting += ((ch1 % 5) - 2) * 500000;
northing += (3 - (ch1 / 5)) * 500000;

if ((easting >= 700000) || (northing >= 1300000) || (easting < 0) || (northing < 0))
return false;
return true;
public void setLatLong(double latitude, double longitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
phi = latitude * pi / 180.0;
lamda = longitude * pi / 180.0;
doCalc(true, 0.0);

public double getLatitude() {
return latitude;

public double getLongitude() {
return longitude;

public String toString() {
String s = "OSGB " + getOSGBString() + " lat/long " + getLatitude() + " " + getLongitude();
return s;

public static void main(String[] argv) {
LatLongToOSGB latLong = new LatLongToOSGB();
if (argv.length == 1){
} else if (argv.length == 2) {
latLong.setLatLong(new Double(argv[0]).doubleValue(),
new Double(argv[1]).doubleValue());
} else {
System.out.println("Usage single arg OS string or 2 args for lat and long");
"Simon Brooke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> in message <[email protected]>, elyob
> ('[email protected]') wrote:
>> "Keith Willoughby" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> I was actually looking at this the other day, with the intentions of
>>> doing it manually, but came to the conclusion that cycling the Trail
>>> would be much easier than trying to come up with the way-points from
>>> the map.
>>> So, you just upload a set of waypoints?

>> Well, no .. this is just following my route. But I have been looking at
>> creating waypoints using google maps. I'm hoping to create a waypoint
>> creator using google maps.
>> It's at version -0.1 at the moment.
>> But it sure looks like a possibility.
>> Want to help build it? I really think the XML API is a better bet than
>> javascript ..

> I might just join in there. Will what you produce be GPL?

At the moment it's just a couple of scripts quickly thrown together to
produce the results. I've just printed off a quick lesson to 'XML
HttpRequest and AJAX' and am off to read it. This looks like the way to
output waypoints to create an uploadable file to my GPS.

I've not even thought about what I'm doing with this except for personal
interest and learning. I might just build a site with it and allow people to
create and save their own GPS maps. So at the moment the answer is "I don't
know" when it comes to GPL etc. I'm just thinking of creating the site, and
leaving it to generate some adsense revenue or something. I must read the
Google Map T&C's though.

However it'd be useful to have some brains on a project like this, as it's
not completely straight forward.
"elyob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Simon Brooke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> in message <[email protected]>, elyob
>> ('[email protected]') wrote:
>>> "Keith Willoughby" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> I was actually looking at this the other day, with the intentions of
>>>> doing it manually, but came to the conclusion that cycling the Trail
>>>> would be much easier than trying to come up with the way-points from
>>>> the map.
>>>> So, you just upload a set of waypoints?
>>> Well, no .. this is just following my route. But I have been looking at
>>> creating waypoints using google maps. I'm hoping to create a waypoint
>>> creator using google maps.
>>> It's at version -0.1 at the moment.
>>> But it sure looks like a possibility.
>>> Want to help build it? I really think the XML API is a better bet than
>>> javascript ..

>> I might just join in there. Will what you produce be GPL?

> At the moment it's just a couple of scripts quickly thrown together to
> produce the results. I've just printed off a quick lesson to 'XML
> HttpRequest and AJAX' and am off to read it. This looks like the way to
> output waypoints to create an uploadable file to my GPS.
> I've not even thought about what I'm doing with this except for personal
> interest and learning. I might just build a site with it and allow people
> to create and save their own GPS maps. So at the moment the answer is "I
> don't know" when it comes to GPL etc. I'm just thinking of creating the
> site, and leaving it to generate some adsense revenue or something. I must
> read the Google Map T&C's though.
> However it'd be useful to have some brains on a project like this, as it's
> not completely straight forward.

It looks like it'll be okay to create. I just need a bracket to put the GPS
on my handlebars.... But I want it to go on my forward tube, not my 'cross'
handle bars. i.e. I would prefer a vertical clamp, not a horizontal clamp.

"Jeremy Parker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "elyob" <[email protected]> wrote
> [snip]
>> I'm now seriously considering a GPS system for myself.

> [snip]
> So am I.
> There's something called a Garmin Forerunner about which there's a
> thread going in rec.bicycles.misc. The title of the thread is
> something to do with commuting, because everyone is posting beautiful
> maps of their commutes.
> As far as I can tell, you only get the pretty maps by subscribing to
> some web service, at vast monthly expense, which raises the question
> of whether the Forefunner puts out its data in some special
> proprietary format, rather than something generic. Come to that,
> what kind of plug is on the cable. And will it do maps outside the
> USA, even if one does pay a subscription
> The Forerunner is worn like a wristwatch. The expensive model is a
> combined GPS and pulse monitor, so you can correlate your pulse with
> speed and elevation gain - neat.
> Other questions I have with the Forerunner is whether it can cope
> with things like the UK national grid, and non US geoids that
> actually make the Greenwich Meridian go through the Greenwich
> Observatory.
> Jeremy Parker

Can't see the thread, do you have the actual title or/and thread date.

"elyob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Jeremy Parker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "elyob" <[email protected]> wrote
>> [snip]
>>> I'm now seriously considering a GPS system for myself.

>> [snip]
>> So am I.
>> There's something called a Garmin Forerunner about which there's a
>> thread going in rec.bicycles.misc. The title of the thread is
>> something to do with commuting, because everyone is posting beautiful
>> maps of their commutes.
>> As far as I can tell, you only get the pretty maps by subscribing to
>> some web service, at vast monthly expense, which raises the question
>> of whether the Forefunner puts out its data in some special
>> proprietary format, rather than something generic. Come to that,
>> what kind of plug is on the cable. And will it do maps outside the
>> USA, even if one does pay a subscription
>> The Forerunner is worn like a wristwatch. The expensive model is a
>> combined GPS and pulse monitor, so you can correlate your pulse with
>> speed and elevation gain - neat.
>> Other questions I have with the Forerunner is whether it can cope
>> with things like the UK national grid, and non US geoids that
>> actually make the Greenwich Meridian go through the Greenwich
>> Observatory.
>> Jeremy Parker

> Can't see the thread, do you have the actual title or/and thread date.
> Thanks

Aha, found it. Thanks

("Cool online mapping ... <etc>")

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