Top Ten Exercise Tips


New Member
Feb 4, 2010
1.See your doctor before you start any exercise program. Get a full physical to make sure everything's in working order, then find a personal trainer in your neighborhood and make an appointment with him or her for a consultation. Most trainers will give you a free consultation and help you figure out what your fitness level is, your body fat and circumference measurements, and the right way to start a program.

2.Start Slow! Many beginners make the mistake of doing too much when they first start out. If you haven't worked out in a while (or ever) start with a walking program of about 20 to 30 minutes, 3 days a week. Each session, add a few minutes to your workout to progress each week.

3.Write down your workouts every day, making notes about what you did, how you felt and how you improved since your last workout.

4.Schedule your workouts each week, just like you would a doctor's appointment.

5.Harass your best friend, spouse or significant other into working out with you!

6.Every day, ask yourself how you will make your life healthier. It can be as simple as drinking more water or parking farther away from the front door.

7.Reward yourself! Give yourself a massage when you reach your goals, or maybe some new workout clothes.

8.Set daily or weekly goals. Long term goals are great, but are so far away we often forget why we're working so hard. To stay motivated, write down a daily or weekly goal and then follow number 7 (rewarding yourself) if you reach it.

9.Prepare for your workout the night before by packing your gym bag or, if you work out at home, laying out your workout clothes so when you get home, you're ready to go.

10.Eat regularly throughout the day so you don't bonk during your workout.
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Well these tips are very helpful for us.The best exercise, for obese people. I started at 260 and walked over 70 pounds. Diet is going to result, in 70 percent of your weight loss, anyway so exercise isn't hugely important in terms of losing weight.
Good article you have shared good tips,I really liked it appreciate you for making effort,It kinda give me some new info you should keep sharing stuff like that it can help us all a lot.
I appreciate you on sharing such valuable suggestion mate, exercise is key to physical and mental fitness. Never skip your physical workout, it helps you in burning fats of and growing up your muscle size.
Appreciate you on sharing good post. Start a walking group or choose a particular day for a certain exercise routine. By combining different exercise programs on different days, you add variety to your routine, exercise all muscle groups more effectively, and remain motivated in the program.
I find here great tips.. I thought, If anyone follow these tips and tricks to do exercise.. There would be no harm and quick benefit to do better.
For cycling you need to do jogging, and also scheduled the diet plan which helps you to remain fit and perform more efficiently.
Originally Posted by Christinase
For cycling you need to do jogging, and also scheduled the diet plan which helps you to remain fit and perform more efficiently.
Really, that's is certainly a novel approach. If I want to get better at skiing should I surf?
Originally Posted by Christinase
For cycling you need to do jogging, and also scheduled the diet plan which helps you to remain fit and perform more efficiently.
Not quite.

If someone wants to be good at cycling, they should cycle more. Running will actually limit the amount someone can cycle, your comment really doesn't make much sense.
I will say walking, swimming are two best exercises. I have experience good health through these two.