Tour de Utah --> Stage 1 (Pics)

Lonnie Utah

Aug 21, 2004
Hi all,

Just rolled back in from my first day as a traveling course marshal (glorified crossing guard) for the Tour de Utah. Things went pretty well as we were all green at this. We got good and patient responses from most of the motorists and pedestrians we encountered. Basically there were 8 or 9 of us piled into a big 15 passenger van and we would scream down the road to a critical area and block of all the cross streets to traffic. We had four stops along the way.

I didn't have a lot of time to take pics, as we were supposed to be watching the side streets and not the race, but I managed to sneak a few photos in on a stop where we had a couple of extra folks.

The photos are, the start/finish line downtown Provo, Ut, the break, a solo rider, the view from inside the van and the peleton. Don't be fooled by the nice looking weather in these shots. A good portion of the beginning of the race was done in a raging thunderstorm. At times you couldn't see 50' down the road due to the dust.

In the excitement I didn't even find out who won. I do know the break didn't stick....

All in all a pretty cool day. Enjoy the pics.
lwedge said:
Wow, I've got to get back into the domestic scene, I thought Chris Wherry was still with HeathNet.
Yeah, Chris timed it perfectly yesterday. It wasn't even close (I'm guessing a 10-15M gap at the line????) Anyway, I don't think any of the team brought "real" sprinters to this race. You guys should see what stage 6 has in store for these guys. Ouch!