Training for a New guy


New Member
Nov 2, 2005
Hi everyone,

I've been riding around for a while (on a road bike from the eighties and my hybrid) and have finally gone and bought a new bike. I would really like to be able to get better, and fitter, especially considering the bonus of stronger legs. The reason i want to be stronger and fitter is because i am a rower (whilst i only row for school, we are getting very serious at the moment, training for nationals etc). Naturally, most of my time is spent on my rowing training (twice a day 5 days a week) but i would like to ride on both weekend days (except on race days of course). On each day i can probably fit in a 100km ride, so should i try to do intervals or something? any comments on thsi would be great.

Also, I have 8 weeks of school holidays approaching, and whilst nearly 3 of those i'm am going to be on training camps for, for the rest i need to keep fit. what sort of cycling stuff can i be doing to really boost leg power and fitness? i dont mean "just ride the bike dude" kinda stuff, i mean should i try to find some hills, or go to the velodrome etc?

btw, i live in australia (hence i'm rowing at the moment etc) and i live very close to beach rd (melbourne) near north rd, and near a velodrome

thanks guys

Ride just fast enough to raise your FTP and just slow enough to take a swig from your water bottle.

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