Training Post Flu


Nov 29, 2012
I had remained illness free for over a year but contracted the flu a week and a half ago. The major symptoms, body aches, fevers, chills, extreme fatigue, headache, runny nose shore throat, all resolved within 4-5 days. I decided to take an extra two days of rest after the symptoms resolved before I started some easy training. I did a half hour easy jog this past Thursday and felt alright. Resting and work out level heart rate seemed normal. However, my muscles were extrememly sore the next day, so again took another rest day.

Finally, I broke out the bike on Sunday for a ride and decided to do some easy tempo intervals at about 80% of LT. These efforts felt like 100% threshold and my heart rate was about 10-15 bpm above where is should be for that zone. I felt really light headed and dizzy for hours after the ride and again the muscle sorness was about 2-3x more than what it normally would be.

Even though my energy level is back to normal and I no longer have symptoms (off the bike at least) its obvious my body is trying to recover from the illness. Anyone else have a similar experience with the flu? How long did it take to fully recover? Thanks in advance for any advice or input!
ok you had a pretty strong kind of flu, but in normal circumstances you recover from a flu on the bike, just going for an easy spin or 20 minutes on the trainer, throught the flu episode, if you are a racing cyclist, if you are not then you can stay in bed and wait until you feel better before resuming training,
I had the flu the Wednesday just before Christmas. I took two days off of work, slept about 20 hours of those days. Went back to work on Friday ran short fri, sat, sun. Got back to bike on tuesday but didn't feel good until the following weekend.

So I was down about 2 days and it was 10 days or so before I was back to normal.

My $.02
