Truth Is A Stranger To Jan Drew


Mark Thorson

Jan the Accuser wrote:

> >From: Mark Thorson [email protected]
> >
> >Instead of responding to what you say, Jan is trying to
> >discredit you by making insinuations about who you are or
> >what your motives may be.
> >
> >Soon, she may accuse you of being on the payroll of the
> >pharmaceutical companies, etc. That's the way Jan works.
> That would be ANOTHER LIE from Mark Thorson. I have
> NEVER accused
anyone of
> any such thing.
> So do prove your claim Mark!!!!!
> You can't YOU JUST LIED AGAIN!!!!!!!

----- example quotes of Jan accusing people of being paid
shills -----

Whatever organized medicine says is swallowed hook line and
sinker by the shill EGO handicapped debunkers who are

Any time alt. health is mentioned the personal trashing
starts. Mostly comes from paid shill Mark Probert.

Internet bully Mark Probert who is a paid shill and lives
off his wife.

As for Mark, he is a paid shill and lives off his wife.

As long as Mark is here, the paid shill will call names
when in fact he is the one who is a bigot. Speaking of his
own people.

> As a matter of fact I will prove it. Looks like you need
> to make another retraction!

Prove what? Prove your false accusations? You can't deny
making those accusations, and then stand by them, at the
same time.

(Or maybe you can, but you'll look like a fool. I guess
that's nothing new for you. You can't even tell the

> Are you man enough to do it?????
> Jan

Man enough to do what? Look like a fool? Like you?