turbo trainers


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
hello , as the temperatures are gettin much colder im looking at turbo trainers and was wondering if anyone had specific types what they would recommend??
many thanks:)
If you just want to pedal to keep your legs in shape, get a trainer. A lot of people seem to think that fluid trainers (as opposed to wind trainers and mag trainers) are the best. I have seen a lot of folks tout Kurt Kinetics Trainers as being very good. With a trainer, you can read a book or watch television while you pedal. I find that without these diversions, trainers are extremely tedious.

If you want to keep everthing in shape and get the closest approximation of actual riding, get a set of rollers. They also come with a wide variety of resistance devices if you want them. With a set of rollers, you are actually riding and have to keep your balance just like when you actually ride your bike down the road. It takes a fair bit of concentration when you are using them that you probably will not be able to watch TV. You definintely cannot read a book.

You can also dress warmly and get you and the bike out of the house. I ride outside unless it snows. Our winters here in SW Ohio are a lot milder than they used to be. I guess that this is the upside to global warming:D . BTW, I always wanted to have beachfront property.
kdelong said:
If you just want to pedal to keep your legs in shape, get a trainer. A lot of people seem to think that fluid trainers (as opposed to wind trainers and mag trainers) are the best. I have seen a lot of folks tout Kurt Kinetics Trainers as being very good. With a trainer, you can read a book or watch television while you pedal. I find that without these diversions, trainers are extremely tedious.

If you want to keep everthing in shape and get the closest approximation of actual riding, get a set of rollers. They also come with a wide variety of resistance devices if you want them. With a set of rollers, you are actually riding and have to keep your balance just like when you actually ride your bike down the road. It takes a fair bit of concentration when you are using them that you probably will not be able to watch TV. You definintely cannot read a book.

You can also dress warmly and get you and the bike out of the house. I ride outside unless it snows. Our winters here in SW Ohio are a lot milder than they used to be. I guess that this is the upside to global warming:D . BTW, I always wanted to have beachfront property.
many thanks . i will be looking at a pair of rollers and thankyou for your responce x
kdelong said:
... I guess that this is the upside to global warming:D . BTW, I always wanted to have beachfront property.
Hey, that's my line...

Beachfront will be here before ya know it.:D

Trainers are tedious, but for those of us prone to lung infections in the cold, you can't beat 'em for staying in shape. With the right music, I find the time goes by pretty quickly as long as I'm not on there for more than an hour or so.
I have to say that I hated my trainer. I would ride it regularly but after 30 minutes I just had to stop. I bought a TACX trainer about 4 months ago and I have to say that the virtual reality part makes life much easier. I rode for 1:40 on it today and was not bored at all. I actually like it better than riding outside because it is so flat where I live there is no fun. Tacx definately has problems with the software but the new updates seem to run much more smoothly and the programs no longer freeze up, I have seen other people who like other vr trainers better and I do not know which is best, but for fun you can not beat them. I would definately look into a vr trainer if it is in your budget.
Ok...there are roller people and there are trainer people.

As far as maintaining / improving fitness, there is really no difference.