i'm thirsty

New Member
Jun 30, 2003
i'm sick of having things flying into me when i'm riding. random objects just come right at me and whack me in the face and shoulders. anyone else having this problem? it's freaky... i'll be riding along, and a bug the size of a gumball will just smash into my head.
Originally posted by i'm thirsty
i'm sick of having things flying into me when i'm riding. random objects just come right at me and whack me in the face and shoulders. anyone else having this problem? it's freaky... i'll be riding along, and a bug the size of a gumball will just smash into my head.

I've had quite a few bugs fly into my face and eyes. Got one stuck in between my pedal and shoe as I clipped in the other day, not much fun for the bugs.
Originally posted by i'm thirsty
i'm sick of having things flying into me when i'm riding. random objects just come right at me and whack me in the face and shoulders. anyone else having this problem? it's freaky... i'll be riding along, and a bug the size of a gumball will just smash into my head.

Wait till you get a bug fly into your throat , that's fun!;)

Had a bee get caught in my helmet strap once , didn't know it was a bee until the little ******* started to sting.
The full beer can in the back of the head got my attention......

The passing cars license plate was reported.....
I scored a large volume of bird**** in my eye that somehow managed to squeeze between my helmet and my glasses. I think the bird had diarrhoea too.
I was on a motorcycle training course years ago. One of the riders was travelling too close to the vehicle in front, which happened to be a cattle truck.

About 20 kg of steaming cow **** hitting a rider at 100km/h is truly a sight to behold.