Want Lights For Cycling

So far I've bought most of my stuff from my local bike shop, including 2 lights. I just asked for recommendations and accepted what the store owner put in front of me. I'm happy, they are happy, and I am riding. That is what I want to spend my time on: riding.

Nightriders are obviously best way to go. The new ones coming out now are gonna have Lithium batteries which will last a very long time, but are gonna cost some money. If you walk into any bikeshop they will a wide variety in price and in quality
My yardstick is to just get a light and start riding. I really need riding experience more than I need a perfect light. Often, 'sufficient' is just fine.

FetishRider said:
Thanks! My Hot Wheels addiction has taken over my desk lol
Hot Wheels are great little cars, I am wondering if they could make bikes they would have a huge success too!
MagicShine lights are nothing but repackaged generic lights that are rebranded that you can buy for less than 1/2 the cost on Amazon.
I would suggest that you go to your local bike shop to find out what light would work best for you. Try to find the brand called nightrider.
I currently use my phone as a headlight (I know that is a dumb idea). I believe they have a huge market of headlights you could get for your bike down at your local bike shop. If not, try to get a miners hat with a built in lightbulb in it. That would work well too!
Now, your phone? How do you manage to get it on the bike in a way that it doesn't fall? It doesn't look like a good idea no, a good support is necessary for the light.
I've got a set-up of two generic LED lights on the front and two red lights at the back. One above the other and with the top one flashing. The front lights provide great visibility and I feel pretty visible and safe when I'm out at night.
RetrogradeCustoms said:
nightrider lights.jpg
That is cool!
Led lights are the best, they are super simple, easy to put on and to remove so that they are not stolen, that's what I use too.
So, are you now wanting an expensive light? There are bitter lights than the Niterider on the market.

There are tests on the internet that can show you which light is the best for the price you want to spend, see these:
http://road.cc/lights2012/index-wide.php this site you chose the two lights you want to see side by side in the split screen, some of the lights are only found in the UK but it is a good site. If you do the comparison you'll find that for the price the "My TinySun ForkLight" excelled but it cost $200 in American dollars. Again, like all sites, they're limited to how many different brands they can compare.
That is a really complete post Froze! Actually the lights I am using were in the bike of my kid and as he doesn't ride at night I just borrowed them. :)

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