Want to go from Canada to Mexico along the Pacific coast next summer?


New Member
Aug 5, 2007

I'm trying to get a group of people who want to go from Canada (probably Vancouver) to Mexico-ish next summer along the Pacific coast. So far I've found 6 who are tentatively interested but I want to have a much larger group to reduce the impact of people who have to bail on the trip for various reasons. I think at least 15 people actually on the trip would be ideal. Nothing about my plan is definite yet, which is good because I want to get as many people as possible to come with us so we can work around schedules. My only time constraint is I have my comprehensive exam in May so I definitely have to take that. I'm not a wonderfully athletic person but I think we should be able to peak out at 70 miles per day (assuming good conditions).

Anyway, let me know if you're interested in going at all.
