Waterfall D-Mannose has Cured my Antibiotic Resistant Urine Infections


New Member
Dec 7, 2006
Hi Everyone I hope this ebook helps you as much as it’s helped me.

My name is Jason I live in the Uk and have suffered with severe urine infections for over 16yrs.

My condition is a spinal cord injury patient due to a road traffic accident 16yrs ago and I have suffered immensely with these retched urine infections ever since. I’ve tried various methods to stop these infections from drinking 10 pints of water daily to taking cranberry juice and tablets and nothing could stop these horrible infections but antibiotics.

Urine infections & the resultant cystitis are the most uncomfortable symptoms to live with as people who are prone to these infections know - you often don’t know when they are going to flare up until you have one, then BANG the pain starts when you urinate, increased muscle spasms in spinal cord injury patients, cramps, cold sweats and perhaps also blood in your urine.

Antibiotics are the only solution which could ease my symptoms, but once I had finished the course, maybe 5 days later, the symptoms would slowly come back and get worse day by day until I was back to where I was before. Also there is the important issue of the bugs in the urine becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics over time, meaning the infections become more frequent no matter what high dose of powerful antibiotics you end up on.

One day 7 months ago I was suffering from a really bad urine infection - increasing spasms, cold sweats, and feeling really unwell and I just knew I had to find something to stop these infections. So I researched online and found a product called Waterfall D-Mannose which is a pure blend of the high alpha and beta manomers of a rare mannose sugar extracted from sweet forest timbers. I read the information on the website and found it really interesting so I bought a sample to try, really thinking in the back of my mind that it would probably be a waste of money.

To my surprise this product started to ease my urine infection, so I followed the instructions and started to take it every 2 – 3 hrs until I got on top of my urine infection. Now I take Waterfall D-Mannose every day as a maintenance dose in the morning and at night time and I have not had another urine infection since. Believe me when I say I am amazed, as I had these horrible infections for years and now I don’t suffer with them any more.

Really, I wish I had found this stuff ages ago – it has changed my life and I really just want to spread the word now. You don’t need to suffer – nature has provided a cure!

For more information about Waterfall D-Mannose and where to buy it go to www.DMannose.co.uk