Weight loss... finally happening, here's why for me

e0richt said:
is beer allowed on a vegan diet? I would hope so... the ingredients are
malted barley, hops, yeast, and water...

also is bread allowed? because bread normally deals with egg (and maybe milk) as part of its makeup...
I think beer w/b OK - though I am not a drinker, and bread can be made w/o dairy or eggs. I have even found an organic foodstore nearby that makes some awesome vegan chocolate chip cookies.
e0richt said:
none taken, it was meant to be a bit light hearted... but I would think that its not the amount of fat that changes per se but the type of fat that changes... I mean olive oil would be allowed on a vegan diet right? but what about bread? that requires egg and milk (I think)... without those two items you are pretty much left with bean sprouts, brocoli, and beans.... boy that really makes my mouth (not) water...
maybe with a dessert of some whipped up tofu... hmm hmm good...
If taste and satiety were the only criteria then I would never be on a vegan diet. The reasons for it fall into 3 broad categories: ethical, environmental and nutritional. A book c/b written on each category. In fact books like these are out there now. In the absence of these concerns, if I were given the choice between a veggieburger and a rueben sandwich the rueben would win hands down. And yes olive oil is OK.
Here is something to consider that falls under "ethical reasons". Don't watch this video on a full stomach. http://www.meat.org/index-1.asp?c=MYMblogadsc0107
bulaboy said:
If taste and satiety were the only criteria then I would never be on a vegan diet. The reasons for it fall into 3 broad categories: ethical, environmental and nutritional. A book c/b written on each category. In fact books like these are out there now. In the absence of these concerns, if I were given the choice between a veggieburger and a rueben sandwich the rueben would win hands down. And yes olive oil is OK.
Here is something to consider that falls under "ethical reasons". Don't watch this video on a full stomach. http://www.meat.org/index-1.asp?c=MYMblogadsc0107
I take it this video was put out by the hypocritical organization PETA?
Maybe you should check out this article before you lump "ethical" and PETA in the same topic.

btw: i've changed to a nearly 100% organic diet, not for any ethical or policital reasons, but largely for the nutritional ones.
Pureshot78 said:
Yes i have watched this video before, I also read "The Jungle"
This is nothing new...
You are right. Factory farming has been around for a while now. That does not make it any less disturbing. OTOH How would you like to lose weight, speed recovery and dramatically reduce the chance that you will get cancer, heart disease and diabetes? Those are 3 out of the 4 most common causes of death in the US? Can you guess the other?
bulaboy said:
You are right. Factory farming has been around for a while now. That does not make it any less disturbing. OTOH How would you like to lose weight, speed recovery and dramatically reduce the chance that you will get cancer, heart disease and diabetes? Those are 3 out of the 4 most common causes of death in the US? Can you guess the other?
If memory serves, it would be complications due to errors in medical care.. (I work in the health care information technology industry, we are attempting to eliminate these errors such as improper medication dosing, administration, and interactions)
Pureshot78 said:
If memory serves, it would be complications due to errors in medical care.. (I work in the health care information technology industry, we are attempting to eliminate these errors such as improper medication dosing, administration, and interactions)
You are right sir.