Whaddya think Merckx was putting out?


New Member
Feb 27, 2007
Power wise that is. If we take his time from his hour record and factor in the increased Coefficient of drag, weight and rolling resistance for that traditional bike set up, can we come pretty close to calculating his FTP? That would make for a real interesting comparison to modern athletes.
How tall was Eddy? He was 72kg's at race weight. Seems to be a good weight range for strong cyclists through history- Lance 72, Basso 70, Ulle 72, Eddy 72
Eddy is a bit taller(saw him pass once) then me now he is older tough i thought he was 184 cm in his racing years, his son is just over 190 cm now. 6'0.5" for the American system so.
bbrauer said:
Power wise that is. If we take his time from his hour record and factor in the increased Coefficient of drag, weight and rolling resistance for that traditional bike set up, can we come pretty close to calculating his FTP? That would make for a real interesting comparison to modern athletes.

and then 'knock a bit' off for altitude.

see MSSE 1996 for the detailed answer

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