what do you think the impact of the Nyquil is?


Steve Waco

Hello, I had a question. Once again I woke up last night at
1:00 and couldn' t go back to bed till 2:00. I couldn't go
back to bed right away so I took about a tablespoon of
Nyquil, maybe a tablespoon and a quarter of Nyquil. I do
this once in a while. Needless to say I fell asleep right
away and felt a little groggy in the morning. But, I'm
curious what do you think the impact of the Nyquil is? I've
tried Camilla tea and milk. The Nyquil does work. What do
you think the impact is of taking this substance that has
these painkillers or alcohol or whatever is in this Nyquil?
What is the potential impact that it might cause from a
nutrition or health standpoint? I appreciate any input you
might have. It's got some really funny names in this stuff.
Just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks for your input.