What was your best/worst race of the season?

Rob Havemeyer

New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Wanted to liven up this thread a bit...

So What was your best :D and worst :( race from 2007 ?


Was my win in Prospect Park Sept 15th (my first win)
It was a rainy foggy morning with a 6:15am start !! Ouch It was still dark out..:) The race was pretty straight forward (with the exception of the drizzle) Still with the rain a few guys at the very front were still hammering a 25mph pace..Go figure..

Anyway I positioned myself well in the final lap and was watching for someone to break in the last 1/4 mi. One guy who had been pulling for a few laps decided to GO... I was first on his wheel...We broke free from the pack and I trailed him like a was hitched to a Uhaul.. Within the last 300ft
he started to sputter a bit and I made my move right around him for the win...Nice leadout :D What a great feeling !!


Was a mid summer race and I had been taking a new supplement Aplodan from MuscleTech (Don't ever take this stuff) It will wake up (Fast Twitch Type 2A fibers in your legs)the wrong muscle fibers for distance and endurance. And because these extra fibers are being stimulated the extra (Lactic Acid) they produce will practically paralyze you..:eek: Don’t do it..

Anyway between the supplement and being off the bike for a few days contributed to a horrible race approx 28mi. crit. After the 5th or so lap I got dropped badly.. I remember very clearly a guy my fathers age with a big belly passing me saying common we can catch them ... Oh my God I thought I was going to die... It was embarrassing I finally gave up and abandoned the race...The worst part was my wife and kids were there to cheer me on...Uggg my wife says What Happened ?... I never want to relive that feeling again...