Where Fluoride Comes From



All fluoride chemicals used in the U.S. for water fluoridation, sodium fluoride, sodium
fluorosilicate, and fluorosilicic acid, are byproducts of the phosphate fertilizer industry,
according to the US Center for Disease Control's, National Fluoridation Engineer, Thomas G.

Phosphate fertilizer manufacturing produces two byproducts: (1) a solid, calcium sulfate (sheetrock,
CaSo4); and (2) the gases, hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4), reports Reeves.

Apatite rock, a calcium mineral found in central Florida, is ground up and treated with sulfuric
acid, producing phosphoric acid and the two byproducts, calcium sulfate and the two gas emissions.
These gases are captured by product recovery units (scrubbers) and condensed into 23% fluorosilicic
acid, reports Reeves.

According to the National Sanitation Foundation, this fluorosilicic acid commonly contains lead and
arsenic (B). Earth Island Journal reports, small traces of cadmium, mercury, sulfates, iron ,
phosphorous and radionuclides may contaminate the fluorosilicic acid, also. (C)

Sodium fluoride and sodium fluorosilicate are made from this acid, writes Reeves who claims the
fluoride chemicals dissociate virtually 100% into their various components (ions) and are very
stable, safe, and non-toxic.

Unfortunately for us, there are no data to support Reeves claim. In fact, the National Toxicology
Program (NTP) has just now started to study water fluoridation chemicals(D). The NTP indicates that
the "assumed complete dissociation to free fluoride under normal conditions of use [is] not
supported by experimental evidence."

In fact, laboratory research in Germany by Westendorf (E) contradicts the assumption of "complete

Since the elements that make up silicofluorides don’t fully come apart in water, Masters and
Coplan theorize one or more of these partially dissolved compounds might be responsible for the
higher blood lead levels found in children who live in silicofluoridated communites (F) when
compared to sodium or non-fluoridated communities.

"Pharmaceutical grade fluoride compounds are not appropriate for water fluoridation; they are used
in the formulation of prescription drugs," reports Reeves. What he's really saying is that
pharmaceutical grade fluoride compounds are too expenseive to use for water fluoridation.

Reeves writes, "Finally, it is sometimes alleged that the fluoride from natural sources, like
calcium fluoride, is better than fluorides added "artificially", such as from the fluoride chemicals
presently used.There is no difference," says Reeves.

However, Fluoride toothpaste giant Colgate's advice to professionals is that calcium fluoride is
poorly absorbed(7) unlike free fluoride ions which are quickly absorbed. In fact, calcium is the
antidote for fluoride poisoning because the positively charged calcium ion attaches to the
negatively charged fluorine ion and safely carries fluoride out of the body.

The real question is why is a water fluoridation engineer giving health advice about fluoride and
why are legislative bodies heeding it?

References: http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/11749/105538

Fluoride Supplements - Don't Use Them http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/11749/90618

McFluoride http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/11749/98946

Sally Stride Fluoride Editor, Suite 101 http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/fluoridation