Why Do You Commute?

It saves me time at the gym.

Instead of spending 25 minutes in traffic and then 45 minutes jogging at the gym; I can spend 45 minutes riding my bicycle home and be done.

I know for me, personally, it hasn't saved my any money and it'll be nearly 2 years of riding into work before I break even on my bicycle purchase (assuming I don't spend any more money on bicycle stuff/don't get any flats/don't get any repairs). And I have a cheap $400 dollar Ibex Road Bicycle.
2) Turn into Michelin Man if I don't ride a bike every single day.

4) Faster than any other form of transport (over the 30km to work that is).

3) Doesn't smell of p1ss like the buses and trains do.

5) Far more reliable method of getting from A-B.

1) There are some gorgeous girls out there on the cycle path. :D
When I started going in by vanpool, I realized that I didn't miss driving at all. Then I started cycling to lose weight, and thought about commuting. I'm doing 35 miles/RT once a week, now.

Bike commuting gives me more enegry than three cups of coffee, without the jitters. And... I gotta admit that walking into my office in bike clothes gives me a subversive thrill.
I work better, think better, sleep better and have more time at home if I ride.
Almost exclusively because it`s fun. I love pedaling, I love the feeling that I`m zipping along all under my own energy, I love to enjoy the morning on my way to work each day. Like a few others have said (almost), I also get a secret little kick out of the other folks seeing me come into work or the grocery store riding my bike.
While my "beater" bike was still a beater, I saved a little money by bike commuting rather than driving, but over the past year or so I`ve been rebuilding that bike in a completely vain and unnecessarry maner. I like doing that too, but I`ve spent much more than I would have spent on two extra 3 1/2 mile drives each day.
It`s greener? Yeah, that`s good but that isn`t why I ride. Healthier? Yes, but I seem to keep the same weight no matter what. Cute girls on the bikepath? I wish I had that bikepath as part of my commute!
[size=-1]"Bicycles are almost as good as guitars for meeting girls." - Bob Weir, [/size][size=-1]Grateful Dead[/size]
I enjoy eating, I also enjoy riding fortunately one balances the other. So far I have lost 190+ Kgs i.e. 1K a week monday to friday and it finds me Saturday to Sunday:)

Seriously, I am 54, have commuted for most of the last 10 years between 11 and 20 Km depending on job location. Currently 19 - 20 Km it takes 50min or I can drive which takes 40min. I ride because Melbourne is a great city for bike commuters. I need the stress releif, the fitness, it saves money that I can enjoy spending on bikes - currently Giant OCR Zero with upgrades. I also ride because the envirnoment needs me to if this world is going to be around in a state my children can enjoy.:rolleyes:

Remember there is power in one - everyone

passing other cyslists is better (altough i admire them in a trueist sense for riding altogether) it started as just being able to finish a one way trip a few years ago and has pogressed to seven months of continuous commuting rain or shine. only ice on the pavement will convince me to reach for the truck keys as i laugh at my overweight, smoker co-workers eating their donuts in the morning. the savings on my yearly petroleum expenditures more than justifies any LBS purchase i make. the benefit of your body having first hand intamacy with the changes of season from riding year round is absoloutley priceless.
"the benefit of your body having first hand intamacy with the changes of season from riding year round is absoloutley priceless".

fishrider314 that is one hell of a quote and has really cheered up my working day which was going pretty crappily - thanks! :)
NickInNC said:
I am always interested in why different people commute so tell me why!

My Reson:

I used to be a fat tub of lard, I stand 6'2" and I was 280lbs. About two years ago now I started running. And six months ago I bought my first bike since I was 13. I started cycling for sport and to train for some small triathlons. Well I got a new job shortly after I got my bike and its only about 7 miles one way and I decided you know to stay fit save gas I better commit to commuting on the bike.

I was given a new car the other day, I am excited to have it but it won't get mush use unless I have to take the kids somehwere.
Why do I ride?
1. It's fun
2. It wakes me up
3. It gives me 20 min. with the Lord every morning
4. It saves gas
5. It keeps me in shape, sort of
6. Did I mention, it's fun?
fishrider314 that is one hell of a quote and has really cheered up my working day which was going pretty crappily - thanks! :)[/QUOTE]hope you enjoyed your ride home???? nothing gets me quite as jazzed after work as riding home dodgeing wildlife, other riders, pedestrians, etc. as they pop into the reach of my battery lights, then having a fine brew after embracing the wife and sons. weather be damned, ride if you are able.
I started to commute cause I really needed to exercise. Up until I was 22 (I am 29 now) I was a very fit guy. 4 months ago I got up and my partner said "I remember when we first met you had a 6 pack and pecks that didnt sag".

I never mentioned she has put the beef a uk size 6 to a size 10, but hey I just thought I need to do some thing.

I stay 200 yards away from work but cycle 5.5 miles in to work and most nights the same home. The only day I dont on my late night I do a 10 mile cycle to work.

I am now hooked and have bought my GF a bike and she now commutes. We both now plan on mountain biking throughout the summer
I just could not pay for my car. $1000 a month is not unusual over the life of a car (purchase, maintenance, insurance, fuel) even with out adding the environmental damage and the cost of war to keep the black gold flowing.

And of course I needed the exercise, read more of my raving at http://www.actionbent.blogspot.com
"the benefit of your body having first hand intamacy with the changes of season from riding year round is absoloutley priceless."

The quote above from Fishrider314 is the best description I have ever seen that describes why I ride bicycle/commute.
There are so many reasons why I commute and the main reason is because "I like it." Everything else is frosting on the cake.
Fun, Fitness and funds. I drove a service truck for 11 years. 45,000 miles a year traversing 5 states servicing machinery. This is a nice change and I can't wait for the weather to improve so I can ride the bike even more.
I commute so I can exercise more. For me commuting is a good way to get a good exercise.
I miss the freedom of riding a bike around town. Used to all time when I was in school and before I began working full time. I plan to start doing so again in the near future.

You would think that a car, because it gets you places faster (for the most part) would seem freer. But a car, because it's so insulating, just becomes an extention of home or work. On a bike, I am forced to think about other things. I almost never go on auto pilot. I am more engaged, my mind is more active. Riding a bike, rather than driving, I feel more alive. Other reasons aside (fitness, envrionmental concerns) that's the real reason.
I have been bike commuting since the late 1980's. Two years ago I sold my car (still access to my wife's auto) and get to work by bike or bus.

I commute because it is healthier, keeps me in shape, and I feel a whole lot better.
I'm a college student working as a research assistant, so I can't exactly afford a car. Cycling doesn't cost anything, and I live in a bicycle-friendly area, so it works great for me.

I'm tempted to start riding to campus in shorts and jersey now that the weather's warm (even though it's only 2.5 miles) just for the same subversive kicks that everyone mentioned.

Plus, the 25 miles I ride each week commuting is great exercise because I never commit to going to the gym. Add onto that trips to the grocery store and other errands.

(And my fiancee looks really good in her shorts and jersey ;))
Your got to get to work/school/where ever so if you can, why not ride a bike.

I bike commute to work every day and haul my stuff there and back.