Will you use a service or product that calls your cell phone if someone tries to steal your bike?


New Member
Apr 1, 2011

I am working on a product that will call your cell phone if your bike is touched when you are away from it. I will like to talk to a few cyclists who may consider using such a product.

Kindly reply this post with a vote of whether this will be a useful product or not to you. If you will like to talk to me directly about the specifics of this product/service, please send an email to [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)][email protected].[/COLOR]

Thanks a lot for your feedback

The service will cost $24.00 a YEAR and the chip retrofitted on the bike will cost about $49.99
I think this is a good idea, but you also have to take some other factors into consideration. People with really expensive bikes, usually are not leaving them around which makes the insurance that much more valuable. The bike is probably locked up safely in their garage or if they are keeping the carbon safe, locked up inside an air conditioned home.

The cost of the chip is the cost of the chip. $50 seems a lot for a retro fit chip that serves one purpose or may only serve that purpose IF the bike is stolen. Say someones running around on a $300 bike, nothing special, it get's stolen. At $50 for a chip and $25 for a year... over 4 Years they've already bought a second half of a bike. Hence this is more valuable to people riding $1000+ bikes, but the service at should be more like $12/year rather than $24 if you want people to buy this.

I like the idea, not so much the pricing.
Over half of my time is spent in areas where my cell phone is required to be turned off or there is no reception. For me, this service would just be leaving me a voice mail telling me that my bicycle was stolen. A second thought is that my family moves my bike from time to time in order to get to things that are stored behind it. Would this device alarm anytime that the bike is touched, regardless of who touches it and for what purpose?
Basically, the mechanism is turned off or on really easily from your phone. If you have a smart phone you can see your bike on GPS map too.
Thanks for your feed back.