Wiped out for the very first time and it feels so good !


New Member
Aug 19, 2006
Today i'm headed home from work and was making a right onto the entrance ramp of my dormitory and in one fluid motion my bike just loses traction from both wheels. I lose control and it come out from underneath me. Thing is I love my bike so I stay on the bars, hoping to save the frame. In a wierd way I was glad it rained earlier. The wet surface helped me slide more in a much cooler way. At least that's what the kind strangers who helped me on my feet said.

The only real reason why I did fall was because of the contruction going on next door washed out its dirt onto the road giving it a nice film of mud. Thankfully, I had sneaker on and wasn't clipped into my pedals at the time. It could have been worse. The only damage to the bike were the ends of the drops were scraped along with a few inches of torn tape. On the otherhand I have a seriously nice looking roadrash on a swollen kneecap. I hope it leaves an awesome scar.
I had a similar fall and it wasn't so good.

I was turning left through what I thought was a wet spot on the road (it had rained earlier); however, it turned out to be an oil spill and my bike slipped out sideways and I went down - no time to think or react.

I was in hospital for 3 weeks, and off work for over 3 months - shattered my thigh bone up near my left hip. Even today, almost 6 years later, my leg doesn't have the same strength as it used to have - I do have an awesome scar though - at least 12 inches long from the surgery needed to install the steel necessary to put my leg back together.

Falling is nothing to feel good about. Feel lucky that you escaped with minor damage - it could be much worse next time.
Ouch! I've fallen a few times over the years, mostly on ice, although I did hit a wet railroad track once, and "bit it" on my recumbent. I've never been hurt bad, other than a scrape, strawberry or bruise. The bikes have only inherited a few scratches.