
New Member
Mar 13, 2010
Welcome, invites you to a worldwide forum dedicated to the world of BMX, a platform on which BMX riders, supporters, companies and more can unite and show what the world of BMX has to offer.

Members can show off their skills, receive advise, sell parts, communicate, review and even get your name out there among the scene. is at the front of the BMX scene and with your support can drive the scene further, making the scene bigger and better than ever.
Also companies can showcase new products and communicate with the BMX communities of the world.


I'm burned out on road biking and went into bmx last year. But now I'm back into road biking for losing weight.

It seems you bmx site will need a lot of work getting more members to get it off the ground...
JTE83 said:
I'm burned out on road biking and went into bmx last year. But now I'm back into road biking for losing weight.

It seems you bmx site will need a lot of work getting more members to get it off the ground...

Yes thats why i need your help guys!

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